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  • Drunk and tired AF. I hardly drink anymore because it leaves me feeling absolutely exhausted for a long time.

  • One or two beers? Absolutely nothing

    One or two shots? I barely get a buzz

    People always think I’m bragging when I say this, but guys, having a high tolerance is truly a curse. More money spent and more time in the bathroom. I drink 2 nights a week btw, so high tolerance is baseline for me

  • I think the last time I had two drinks was about six years ago when a friend brought home some fancy elderflower mead after visiting England.

    Those two drinks had me giggling and silly. My head was spinning, I was sweating slightly, and I was perfectly okay with all of the above. I can't remember the time before that.

    Obviously, I'm not a drinker of alcohol on any regular basis

    When I have a single drink, it's rare for me to feel much of anything because I'll be sipping it over an hour or two, and I'll have picked the drink for the taste, so I don't want to get tipsy and enjoy it less.

    As such, I don't have any lingering effects either. My body can handle the amounts I'm taking in without any issues.

    Even those two glasses of mead, all I felt the next day was a little extra grogginess for that first hour awake. After that, I was good to go.