When a guy finishes using the public stall and passes the guy waiting to use it
When a guy finishes using the public stall and passes the guy waiting to use it
Avert thine eyes
When a guy finishes using the public stall and passes the guy waiting to use it
Avert thine eyes
Naaaahhhh, I lock eyes with the next dude and say one of two things:
You know the stall is ruined if the dude walks right past the sink and out the door.
That's fucking disgusting. Wash your damn hands.
I have peed
You will pee
We must not acknowledge one another
A jungle rule as old as humanity
my favorite establishment has mirrors that were focused on the trough style urinal; making peeing an unavoidably public viewing and forcing everyone to acknowledge that peeing is happening. lol
i liked it because it straight men are too afraid to use it and either waited in line for the sole suite bathroom next door or held it in the entire time while the rest of us had quick access.
Top notch. Well done. I appreciate the reflection and attention to public restroom details.