It's honest work
It's honest work
It's honest work
You drive for a 4 minute journey?
Some parts of the world are so heavily built for cars that they are hostile and dangerous to walkers and bikers, and also have little to no public transport. Also, some people are disabled.
The most important part of the day really.
if you walk there, it becomes a much bigger part of your day too. lol
Are American sidewalks so inexistent that you can't walk there instead? Driving so close for groceries blows my mind.
I am American.
I have moved to a place that has a grocery store within 5 minutes of walking and is a GAME CHANGER for me.
The last place I lived at, 30 min drive to the grocery store in the other town. Yes, there were not grocery stores in the town I lived in.
In college, I had to walk an hour (one way) to get to the grocery store. Which was technically about the same time as busses, since every stop was an hour wait.
When I was traveling, stopped in Bakersfield because its the only place in that God forsaken area. I was eating a burger and saw a book store across the street. But it was a very busy street, and I didn't see any crosswalks. So I pulled up google maps, and low behold, 15 min walk to get to the bookstore that was literally across the street from me. 5 min drive.
Yes US's infrastructure is just that bad. You are lucky if you get sidewalks in rural areas.
Americans think they need to get an entire month's groceries in one go
Even then, there are cargo bikes.
My closest grocery store is more than two miles away (3.2km). I'm not walking that carrying several bags of groceries. I certainly don't have time to go to the store more than once a week or so.
3.2 is like less than 10 minutes on a bike, which can easily carry more than a week's worth of groceries with the right type of equipment.
It says "4 min. drive" in the OP though, which is what everybody is commenting about, not your personal anecdote.
Nah fuck it, I'll just turn on the radio. I don't like pop songs or people talking all the time, but it's probably fine for the 4 min drive?
Somehow the entire 4 minutes are only advertisements. And changing channels doesn't help because all the channels sync up the times they do ads to prevent people from switching around. And even worse, it's the same thing on the drive back.
That’s how you know all the channels you’re trying are owned by the same company (clear channel/iheartradio)
How dare you call me out like this.