I have no clue. VR has its uses, but it absolutely has no place in my daily life like the zuck wants to believe.
There would be more sympathy for Meta of they actually produced something innovative, but they aren't. The screens and the lenses might be getting better and the device might be getting a few ounces lighter, but that is about it. Maybe augmented reality is getting a bit better? Whatever they are doing, it can't justify the billions they have spent on it.
Play different games. Walkabout golf is a fantastic multiplayer game. I consider it the killer app. My family plays it regularly.
I wish they'd focus more on releasing VR board games. My family and friends are scattered around the world and VR is fantastic for playing board games with them if only they'd release them.
If the only thing you like playing is FPS games then I guess VR isn't for you though.
This is the answer IMO. I suffer from terrible motion sickness from all of the normal stuff like riding in the back of a car and when I go out fishing on the ocean, like very quickly and very intense, but I have zero issues playing hours of VR elite dangerous....thank god