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  • Okay so I've told this story before.. completely changed my perspective on my beliefs.

    One day, I was making food for my young one. He was maybe a bit over 2 years old? Maybe 3. Anyway, I made him food and said "anything you don't eat, I'll put into a baggie".

    He then asks "what's a baggie?" I show him the sandwich baggies in the drawer and then explain that grocery bags can also be called "baggies", say "see?" then showed him a plastic grocery bag from the cupboard.

    His eyes get all wide then ge starts sobbing. Alarmed, I ask him what's wrong and he sobs "No baggie!!!! No baggie!!!!" I asked him why and he says, still crying, "My old mommy... she put a baggie over my head and I died!" He then immediately stops crying, like nothing had happened, and went to play with his cars. I tried to coax him into repeating what he had just said, like "what? Hun, what do you mean? What did you say?" And he looked at me like I was bonkers and just said "huh?", apparently not remembering what he had said moments before, even after I brought it up at multiple different times of the day.

    All of this was completely out of character for him, and nothing like that ever happened again. He was never told about death or shown it in any media at that point or anything else like that, so I was baffled.

    It definitely made me rethink my stance on things like reincarnation and stuff like that. It was.. too strange. Never could explain it.

  • I have a distinct memory of walking out into the forest as a kid with my father, sibling, and dogs. I knew those woods like the back of my hand. I still know them well and could go back in and find distinct trees and paths.

    But this memory had us crawl under a dense thicket of branches and we found ourselves face to face with a pack of wolves. Five of them. They all came out from over this mound ahead of us, one stood on top. The others moved around to the sides kind of or in-between us and the one on the mound.

    I distinctly remember not being afraid. My dogs were calm. My family was calm. The wolves were at ease. I looked the one in front of us in the eyes and felt warmth. And then, one by one, they turned and left.

    Ive tried to go back to the exact spot several times, but it's not there. I've checked satellite imagery. I've gone through the other woods that my family frequented for hiking. Nothing.

    So i dismissed it for many years (~20ish). It came back as a distant memory a few years ago and I asked my brother and sister if they'd remembered it. They didn't. And I don't remember which one was with me. So I went to ask my dad. As I started asking about it, he explained the rest of the memory. He, too, remembers it. But he also couldn't find his way back there. It was my brother who was with us.

    Neither of us can explain the situation.

    There are several other things, but that's one of my greatest life mysteries, for sure.

  • I was at an old civil war mansion late at night with a girl and we were drinking. She started telling me about how the place was supposedly haunted and how some people had seen strange things like blood coming up out of the floorboards. I laughed and called bullshit. Suddenly, an acorn hit me on the head - but it didn't fall down, it flew through the air and hit me on the side of the head. We both looked at each other for a second and got the hell out of there. Someone playing a practical joke? Maybe. I wasn't going to stick around to find out.

  • Back in 2012 I was at a music festival in Australia called Earth Frequency. The festival grounds are like a valley, up along one ridge was the festival itself, paths leading up to it on the festival side of the valley, and the camping was up the other side of the valley going up and over the ridge opposite to the festival. Myself and two others were sitting on a car at the top ridge of camping overlooking the festival, others were grouped around us.

    Now I must preface this by saying I was on psychedelics, but I was not tripping balls I had mild visuals and some colours in the dark and that's about it. One other was also on psychedelics, while everyone else was some degree of stoned or drunk as you do at a music festival with friends. The three of us on the car noticed something and was trying to figure out what it was: Three lights, equidistant like a triangle, rotating clockwise. It sort of looked like it was floating in place over the festival, but it also could have been much further away and only looked like it was hovering over the festival from our perspective. The distance of it was one thing we were trying to figure out, but we were also trying to figure out what it was. To me it looked like a kite, triangle shaped with fairy lights or some sort of light source at each point, but it wasn't oscillating with the wind like a kite and it was consistently rotating at a steady rotation so it couldn't have been a kite. We thought maybe some sort of projection or spotlight from the festival, or some sort of mundane test for a laser show, but it looked like the lightsource originated from the thing itself and not some sort of reflection, and even if it was a reflection it still doesn't explain what it was.

    We kept staring at it, might've been for almost 10 minutes before someone asked us what we were talking about/looking at, so we pointed it out and others started joining in to figure out what it was, asking all the same questions as us about distance or the light source or its steady rotation. The weirdest part was how steady it was, like unless it's rotating on top of a really tall sturdy pole there's no way it wouldn't at least oscillate up and down, side or side, or something. We kept watching it until suddenly the rotation stopped, all three lights sorta jumped up at the same time, then shot into different directions like bright shooting stars. We jumped around frantically, like "Wtf was that?!" Some of us thought we saw a UAP or UFO, it felt like our group was the only one who noticed it because people were asking what all our commotion was about. The day after we asked everyone we could if they saw what we saw, we met one other couple that saw and described exactly what we saw but from a different angle, neither could figure out if it was above or behind the festival.

    I still to this day have no idea what we saw and have no explaination. I'm not much of a UFO guy, I want to believe, but to this day I find myself pondering from time to time what that was.

  • Dropped my toast butter side up, I'm a magic man yup

    Probably just times I scared myself getting hyped up to hear or see something, haunted basement as a kid, alone at night in an unfamiliar forest, etc