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In every class I took in college, 5-10 minutes to the end, I'd ruffle some papers and zip the zipper on my back pack to end class early because "student close up noises" are contagious.

Without fail the class would end a few minutes early. As soon as I started making the sounds it was like dominoes. Ten minutes left in the lecture but everyone has all their stuff put away and are putting their coats on. I think of this often. May this knowledge set you free a few minutes early.

  • Honestly who cares about few minutes when you can learn something more, I am there to listen. If I want to chat or play games on my phone like my mates I just won't show up at all cause what's the point. What's the point of going to the lecture and playing on your phone?

    Similarly, few minutes at the end won't save me and If I really need to go I can just go to exit at any time, quietly.

    I spend big money for these minutes so I am gonna make use of all of them. I paid for it

  • During high school I'd always hang around the class room after class to chat with the teachers; mostly because a large part of the other students were bullying me at the time and I wanted to avoid them/take my mind off of things.