Scientists discover new part of the immune system
Scientists discover new part of the immune system

New part of the immune system - hidden inside our bodies - could be used to make new antibiotics.

Scientists discover new part of the immune system
New part of the immune system - hidden inside our bodies - could be used to make new antibiotics.
AFAIK the importance of the proteasome for the immune system has already been established quite a while ago. If I understand it correctly this new research digs deeper into the processes in the proteasome as "the cellular mechanisms underlying [the generation of antimicrobal peptides] are not fully understood" (Quote from the actual research paper). So this new research fills a knowledge gap and is thus very valuable, but - no - the scientists do not claim to have "discovered a new part of the immune system". That's just hyperbole for the sake of generating clicks for the article.
Legancy media love to do this with science articles. It's infuriating.
Microbes hate this crazy new immune system trick! Never get sick again!