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  • The baby on board sticker is mainly to alert EMS services to look in case of a car crash and possible ejection of the child.

  • I've got a pirate flag that says "I'd rather be drinking rum". I never drink and drive, but I like reminding everyone to pirate things.

  • They forgot to add political stickers which make you a target for the extremists who don't agree with you.

  • This looks more like paranoia than tips about privacy. Everyone has a fucking giant TV inside their home. Everyone has hobbies.

    Unless you are actively targeted by some psycho... or the police. This just makes everyone thinks everyone else around them is out to rob and steal from them. But being from the US and from the police, it's not very surprising. You also need a gun to protect yourself and your family from potential home invaders, you never know because the country is full of robbers and violent people! Don't trust anyone! Just get your kids from school in your giant bulletproof SUV and drive straight to your McMansion where you can barricade yourself with all your precious stuff. In fact you should also take care to hide your McMansion behind a fake facade of poor people's houses to avoid having less fortunate people target it as a potential place to rob.

    Every poor person is plotting to rob you! So if you show clues and get robbed, it's gonna be your fault and the police will let you know you were stupid for putting a dirt bike sticker on your expensive SUV.

    Anyway, this is all just ridiculous in the first place. If someone wants to know you're not home and steal crap from you, stickers or not, you're already sitting in your fucking car, while not being home. It's already a pretty big clue. Otherwise, are home invaders that diligent in the first place? Are they going to stalk people before robbing their home? Really, the stickers on my expensive SUV parked in front of my big house and the big garage is indicating that there might be expensive crap in my house and in my garage? I'm shocked to see how revealing those stickers can be!

    In fact, this being from the police just shows how much they profile and judge the shit out of people before even speaking to them.

    • Yeah; as a black person, the whole thing was just so obviously in the vein of White Flight rhetoric, etc.

  • I wonder what my "none of that" says.

    Seriously though, I haven't messed with any stickers since the last time I had a chrome bumper (my first car). I've never (that I remember) stuck anything on the windows at all. I think stickers on paint just looks fucking stupid as shit, but nothing (besides trucks and work vans) has anything but fiberglass bumpers anymore.

    I've always had decision paralysis about them ever since. I don't really wanna say "come rob me", (not that I own even 1 valuable thing worth stealing besides the car itself- and I don't even own that yet).

    I live in a pretty extremely red area (blue state, but very red region), so I'm not trying to give "please hit me" to probably 70% of drivers.

    I don't want the satanic stuff because I hate religious stuff in all forms, even when mocking Christianity, and I have to park in my parents' driveway sometimes and while they wouldn't do anything, I feel like it would be uncomfortable. They know I vote blue, but they still have no idea about the atheism. Yet.

    I could do a band sticker I guess. Not that a big chunk of people have heard of it, so who am I metaphorically high fiving?

    Right now the car is basically blank. No stickers, no bumper stickers, no decoration, and even the inside is almost completely empty. If you looked in my window you might see the cable that I use to make my android auto wireless instead of wired. But it just looks like a regular charging cord from what you can see easily.

    Car is even still (relatively) new, so there isn't even a "personalized mess". It's just empty unless I've just recently left a quick grocery trip, which might see me with groceries in the interior floor instead of trunk.

    Even has a standard generic state license plate that isn't customized.

    The absolute most you would know about me from coming across my car in a random parking lot is just the kind of car itself being a hybrid, so you could maybe deduce that I hate the entire oil industry's entire existence.

    If I lived somewhere that had a decent amount of chargers, I would have an EV (definitely not a Tesla though, and that would be another thing you would learn about me I guess). I know I could get a home charger too but that doesn't work in my current situation, so hybrid is about the best I can do for right now.

    Hopefully this car lasts me until either chargers are way more common, or EVs themselves are cheaper. And since it's by far the youngest car I've ever owned, and I put a whopping 1k (yes, one k) miles on it in the almost year I've owned it, I imagine it will last that long. If the US isn't a crater before that anyway.

  • Only thing my car says is that I'm a weeb who can't aim (Old OW Mercy Decal and a Sukuna Decal)