"Joe Biden's fault"
"Joe Biden's fault"
"Joe Biden's fault"
Thanks Obama
Is this any different than the people that are blaming Trump for things that he couldn't possibly have had any effect on yet? Like that accident between the Blackhawk and the airliner? I saw countless people blaming Trump for that one.
People do this every election cycle. They blame anything new they hate on the guy that just started and the think everything good that's happening is just residual goodness from the previous guy. We saw it with Dems when Obama took over from Bush and we saw it from the Republicans when Trump took over from Obama.
Both parties pull this stupid shit every single goddamn time.
Wasn't that mid air collision a direct result of his administration firing air traffic safety officials?
Was it party officials stating that or was it randos in the internet and you can’t tell the difference. Cause I have elected party members claiming Jewish space lasers what do you got.
It was both party officials and randos on the Internet.
Some Democratic officials withdrew their statements and apologized for incorrectly placing the blame on Trump but most didn't.
Nothing nearly as stupid as Jewish space lasers though. South Park better have a field day with this shit.
But what about egg prices???
Yes, cause and effect. Or for every action there’s a reaction. Letting go critical roles of the FAA and air traffic controller is a result of this. Then there’s the aftermath of Musk trying to hire for the same positions to retirees at a lower cost. Government positions are already penny pushing and short handed. It’s the same as a big box retail store with a skeleton crew. We wonder where the employees are. Everything takes a village and we were always short with not enough support.
Just blatantly incorrect. All the information for the dates of the different events is public information. That crash had nothing to do with Trump.
Stop pushing a categorically false narrative. You guys harp on the right for pulling shit like that all the time. Be better than the Trumpets.