So "rich people want poor people to eat bugs" is a climate denier conspiracy theorist meme. The OP comic doesn't involve this so it might have been posted in good faith, so I'm gonna be nice and shit, but this isn't great. The gimmick is basically "global elites who eat steak want you to eat bugs, climate science is a pretext to rob you." It's parallel to anti-fuckcars people who hear "dense sensibly designed mixed use, bikes walking etc" and hear "global elites who use private jets want to take your personal car and trap you in your tiny neighborhood for global elite reasons, climate science is a pretext to rob you."
tldr plz no post badguy material
The eating bugs thing is stupid 4chan/putin propaganda to demonize the WEF who don't really need to be demonized because they're wealthy people.... But they are nominally progressives who Putin/Trump hate, it's also used to demonize activists like Greta Thunberg (who is often depicted saying the line in memes), because she's an environmental activist and ibugs are seen as more environmentally sustainable than beef.
In actual fact there was just discussed and was never going to be forced on you. But the conservative propaganda now limits even talk of such exotic ideas.
It's stupid speech limiting propaganda because everyone reading this has been eating bugs their whole life without knowing it. If you've ever had a glossy food anything, but most definitely candy, you've eaten bugs - because shellac is one of the main ways candy gets its shine, and is almost always made from crushed lac beatle shells.
So yes, you're eating bugs like someone from the islands above Australia or below China.
But really, though, insects are a very sustainable source of nutrition, and pretty damn healthy.
Plus, when cooked right, they're delicious.
Yeah the eating of bugs is a completely a seperate thing. Im not like you but when it comes to processed stuff protein is protein.
But we have literally no need to do it. Lab grown meat requires the same level of input as industrial cricket or worm farming per gram of protein and produces fat at the same time while being far more palatable.
There's no need to go back to famine era stone age practices to solve the ethical and environmental problems of meat eating.
I see no problem at all with lab-grown meat being the solution, but I would push back a bit on the notion that eating bugs is inherently unpalatable. The truth is that what makes eating bugs unpalatable is our current habits and inclinations think of this as being inherently "icky", save for certain species that come from the sea. Changing these habits would not only switch us to consuming animal protein with fewer ethical and environmental issues, but also would open us up to new culinary experiences which we are currently depriving ourselves.
Having said that, I have never tried hard to overcome my own habits and inclinations, even though I probably should, so I am not going to judge anyone else for not having done so; the above paragraph is a musing rather than me trying to dictate anything to other people.
My crab place doesn't include a condom with the meal...
Get Crackin'
Right wing tropes aren't funny.
spoken as somebody that hasn't baked with cricket flour
performs just the same as wheat flour, but with added protein.
Does it contain gluten? How's the texture of the baked good?
the cookies I had with it were dry and crumbly, but otherwise a normal cookie.
How's the fiber content? Do I just supplement with beans?
I like eating bugs, crickets unironically taste great.
Roasted crickets with salt, lime, and chili makes a great snack. My only issue is that the legs get stuck in my teeth.
Silkworm pupae taste like eating a mushroom is a forest after it rains.
I had a friend who owned a series of low-key exotic pets. Not really exotic, just unusual. Lizards, spiders, that sorry of thing.
They claimed to have one day had an epiphany, that grasshoppers literal only reason for existing was as food for other things. He said, no matter where he looked, the common factor in all animals was that they ate grasshoppers. Snakes? Grasshoppers. Spiders? Grasshoppers. Birds? Grasshoppers. Other bugs? Grasshoppers. Grasshoppers? Grasshoppers!
My question for you: are they better fresh? Alive? Or cooked? Fried?
The whole "forced to eat bugs" conspiracy theory is stupid but I do have this relevant meme
I would try bugs. But I would try everything once. I'd really love to try some giraffe neck.
I could not agree more that anyone who points out the negative ethical and environmental repercussions of eating meat and suggests that it would be better if we all switched to eating more bugs and/or lab-grown meat instead is really just trying to oppress the poor!
(Just to be clear: I myself find it extremely hard to change my habits so I do not negatively judge anyone else for continuing to eat meat, but I do negatively judge people who derail the entire conversation about the best way to proceed given the reality of problems with eating as much meat as we do by accusing me of having bad intentions.)
votes for a wealthy man
This is really where we're headed, isn't it?
No, because the people who really think that this is what is going on are also people who are stubborn about changing anything about their lifestyle, so they will continue to eat meat.