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Is there an android compatible firefox addon that can copy all open tab URLs to clipboard or export to a file and load back?
  • Can't help with your question, sorry.

    When that happens to me in firefox, changing to another tab and back usually fixes it.

    You can turn off miui optimizations to stop it from immediately killing every app you leave in the background.

    (and not to digress but you shouldn't use a stock miui rom if you care about privacy)

  • How to identify “unavailable" videos on yt?
  • You can get all the IDs using yt-dlp

    yt-dlp --flat-playlist --print id <playlist>

    Assuming you're on linux, you can add >> ids_all.txt at the end to save the list to a file.

    You can also add

    --compat-options no-youtube-unavailable-videos

    to get only the list of available videos instead and then, again assuming you're on linux, do

    diff ids_all.txt ids_available.txt

    to get the odd ones out. That's the simplest I could come up with. You'll have to hope you can use the wayback machine, or a good old exact search to turn up what video that ID actually referred to

  • Why so many men like to play with a female character?
  • I would like to know why so many people do what you do: create themselves. That is so... boring..? I have never had such an urge. But then, I barely care about my own appearance at all (gamer moment), so I guess that makes sense.

  • Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone
  • But will you be punished for not telling them that the key is under the mat? They will get in either way. They can get into your hard drive with brute force too, it's just a wee bit more trouble for them.

  • Stop Using Your Face or Thumb to Unlock Your Phone
  • This feels weird to me. If your password is "ILikePotato", which is then used to decrypt a text file that contains "IStoleTheMonaLisaAndReplacedItWithAPhotocopy", how is that any different in terms of "incriminating yourself" than if it was the other way around..?

    And if you actually forgot your password, that's 3 months jail for you, because they'll hardly believe you? Better have just one so you'll surely remember!

    I wonder, if you use special markings to keep track of your illegal doings, and one of your notebooks is found during a search, are you required to assist in deciphering the contents of it? That's basically the same thing as decrypting your hard drive.

  • Guy submits a thousand pull requests of just typo fixes in random Github projects, banned.
  • I stumbled upon this repo entirely by chance! I went to his profile and clicked on a random project he has forked (of the 1.2K), and sure enough it had three still open pull requests of just typo fixes!

    I think the story as he tells it is funny! Also if he had done this with actual active projects, rather than random, sometimes (or mostly?) personal projects, I think it would have gone a lot better for him!

  • Guy submits a thousand pull requests of just typo fixes in random Github projects, banned. GitHub - marwahaha/github-typo: Fixing typos on GitHub!

    Fixing typos on GitHub! Contribute to marwahaha/github-typo development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - marwahaha/github-typo: Fixing typos on GitHub!

    You can read his correspondence with github support to reinstate his account in the project's readme. Note that the message order is bottom to top!

    Possible to make career in free software?
  • free =/= free

    OP means libre software, as opposed to "shitty bloated proprietary software"

    I think the DF creator said he would open source it when he is finished or no longer able to work on it (i.e.: dead), but we'll see how that goes.

  • Is Neofetch abandoned?
  • There's a million alternatives that do the exact same thing. Fastfetch is just better, since it's still maintained, and not painfully slow. I used to think neofetch being slow was kind of cute. Then I switched to fastfetch, and now I can't bear the years neofetch takes to run.

  • Newsboat - filter youtube shorts?

    Is there any universal or newsboat specific way to do this? The RSS feed itself doesn't even hint at it being a short, so probably not.

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