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  • Financial incentive plus I have a blood group that's beneficial to patients

    Once around every 2ish to 3 months - essentially however often I'm allowed to

    Usually good. Don't feel dizzy or sick afterwards since I eat and drink well before donating.

    I do donate plasma quite regularly too - around once a week - but have not four a couple months now since I got a new tattoo in November. For similar reasons as with blood donations

  • O+ over here so I know I am able to help a lot of people. When I donate, I do a "power red" which gives more than a standard pull. Using the American red cross app makes it a bit more fun since I collect badges and can track all my visits. Also, since I read it can reduce plastic in your system, I see that as a double win.

  • As someone who has received a blood transfusion, thank you random stranger whose blood is now inside me!

    I want to "give back" somehow, but I obviously can't donate blood (yet?).

  • I haven't yet, but plan to starting next month. I high key just want a little bit of extra change for my hobbies, hehe. If I could just grow plants with my blood, Little Shop of Horrors style, I would. Running it through a middleman is the next best thing.

  • Yes. I try to catch the blood mobile when it comes to town.

    I think it's helpful to someone and I like to think of it as an "oil change" for myself. Generating a fresh pint.

  • I've tried three times and passed out twice. I pass out with simple blood draws, so they don't like me at the Red Cross.

  • Biannually. We have 2 big national holidays, and m blood donation camps are set in my university. (have donated 6 times till now)

  • I haven't been able to for the last few years due to low blood pressure. So when they do blood drives at work or in my local community, I look for chances to volunteer in lieu of donating myself.

  • Can't, iron levels are always too low because I have to get blood drawn for medicine every 3 months

  • Yes, every 12 weeks, which is the minimum gap between donating in the UK. I always feel fine, usually I sleep for a longer period so I plan accordling and hace a restful day.

    It's the least I can do.

    • Yeah same in Australia for me. Fwiw it's also a way to rid yourself of some of the forever chemicals lurking in your body, eg pfas. They worked it out testing firefighters* blood and the regular blood donors had less of the chemicals in their system.

      *firefighters get excess exposure to the chemicals as they're common in firefighting foam.

  • Nope, very prone to vasovagal syncope. I tried once, went black almost immediately and spent an hour in the bus recovering. Luckily my blood type is one of the most common, so no big loss.