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  • People not caring about their privacy and their data being collected and sold to everyone. "Eh, it's not like my data is worth anything". If it wasn't, it wouldn't be sold, moron. All those spam and scam calls you receive? Yeah, that's because your "worthless" data is being sold, resold and spread out everywhere. But hey, if you fall for a scam and lose, dunno, 50k dollars, it's not a big deal, huh?

  • ads based internet is the death of democracy

    • Why are ads being made for the internet?

  • "Capitalism isn't a big deal."

    As though giving a select few billions won't corrupt the nation around them over time.

    • And as a corollary, people acting how they just can't imagine how an economy could possibly work if people who do the actual work owned their means of production.