Lenovo responds to Trump tariffs in unexpected style
Lenovo responds to Trump tariffs in unexpected style
Lenovo CEO Yuanqing Yang says its flexibility is an advantage and will protect the company's profits.
Lenovo responds to Trump tariffs in unexpected style
Lenovo CEO Yuanqing Yang says its flexibility is an advantage and will protect the company's profits.
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"Although we are still assessing the impact, but overall, I don't think it has any significant impact to our business and to our future performance," Yang said. "So many other countries that have that kind of policies like Brazil and India. So actually it's not a disadvantage, but probably an advantage for Lenovo."
Yang went on to say that because of Lenovo's global manufacturing footprint with facilities in several countries including the U.S., the company is more resilient and flexible allowing it to adapt to different scenarios.
This mostly just comes across like a statement to calm investors.
Yup, "blah blah blah don't panic sell please."
click bait
Yup. I downvote titles like this in unexpected style.
As a company we are not worried about this. We will just pass any price changes on to our customers. I assure you the quality and quantity of the hookers on my yacht will not be affected in the least.
Needing to pass on the price is quiet worrysome. It might affect sales. Economics is really not that hard to understand once you get into the basic fundamentals.
Economics is much harder to understand when you realize how little the basic fundamentals actually tell you.