Programmer gets a NES to emulate a PC, and it's as ridiculous as it sounds
Programmer gets a NES to emulate a PC, and it's as ridiculous as it sounds
Programmer gets a NES to emulate a PC, and it's as ridiculous as it sounds
By hacking the NES emulator inside Animal Crossing – while running on a GameCube emulator – decrazyo managed to run the PC version of Tetris at a mind-numbing 30 seconds per frame
This is insane in so many ways, serious respect
Last time I saw 30spf it was written on a sun cream
This comment is S-tier. Cheers!
Up next: Doom
As is tradition.
The reason doom exists is because they figured out how to run Mario on a PC
So basically
Physical PC |__GameCube Emulator |__Animal Crossing NES Emulator |__Emulated IBM in NES
Holy fuck
Physical PC |__GameCube Emulator |__Animal Crossing NES Emulator |__Emulated IBM in NES |__VM running Linux |__ NES Emulator