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I fucking hate liberals

So after yesterday's strike I made the mistake to engage with liberals about said strike and I have come to the conclusion that I might even hate them more than far right people.

With far right people at least you know what they stand for. They hate minorities, they hate socialism and they are outright saying it. It goes against everything I stand for but at least they are honest about it and in a weird way I respect their honesty.

Liberals, though, are just snakes. They act all concerned about everyone's welfare but at the same time budget cut the ever living shit out of healthcare, education, welfare, public transport, etc. And they now have found a new standard response: 'but what about defense????' It's like they are drones without independent thought and their new update made them all defense experts. And the smugness they portray when making these points is just insufferable to the point I want to punch their teeth out.

End of rant.

  • It's because these people fetishize liberal democracy as the pinnacle of political systems. This what the infamous "end of history" from Fukuyama is all about. The idealization of the system leads them to rationalize its contradictions rather than honestly confronting them.

    Libs will claim to care about human rights and dignity, but they always ignore structural issues like wealth concentration. Their cognitive dissonance stems from a fear that the mere acknowledgement of the flaws delegitimizes the entire system. As Wendy Brown put it, liberal democracy's moral claims often mask its complicity in perpetuating neoliberal exploitation. When push comes to shove, they will always side with capitalist imperatives.

  • I'm often extremely frustrated with liberals, but I can't really hate them, at least not the regular non-politician types. Trump's victory has put many liberals in a state of despair and anger and I understand that perfectly well, but their anger is often misdirected. Some are taking the election loss to mean that they need to move further right. The consultants and newspaper opinion writers, etc. do a lot to legitimize this point of view, and it's a shame. Propaganda works, and we're not immune to it. I feel I have more to gain by treating these liberals with respect and compassion. (I don't always succeed, though!)

    There are some liberals I can't stand, mostly politicians and consultants. I definitely hate the openly misanthropic right wing people more, and there are a lot more of them.

  • They love the lesser evil thing but are insufferable incapable to see what is the lesser evil.

  • I might even hate them more than far right people.

    I do too comrade. I have been saying for the past couple of years that liberals are slightly to the right of conservatives. Regardless they uniquely piss me off.

    Let's go battle them together in hand to hand combat.

  • Don't intimidate our hexbear refugees 😞

    But yeah i agree, "left" libs are like the disguised big bad wolf from the fables. They will sweet talk, convince you they're your friends but when time comes they reveal their true side. Contrasted with the "right" libs who are straight up wolves trying to eat you.

  • Have you seen the #equalrights mural on the MR office? It’s unreal

    • Lmao yeah that was funny to see, so incompatible with what they stand for. I was also there when the egg throwing started. They were secured as if all the nation's gold reserve was stored in the building.

      Did you go for your workplace or just a different org?