"How did my child grow up to be so depressed?"
"How did my child grow up to be so depressed?"
Literally my parents.
"How did my child grow up to be so depressed?"
Literally my parents.
"everything we gave up for you, and you still act ungrateful."
Literally my parents.
Same :/ If it helps OP, you're not alone 🫂❤️
Also same. Please take care of yourself and try to enjoy small victories.
Thank you. <3
It's weird. Because I do have lots and lots of issues that stem from my very broken childhood, but I also know that both my parents were basically flying blind and I was unfortunately the first one through the gate. My little brothers got a much better fathering experience from my dad and my little sister got a much better mothering experience from my mom.
Mostly emotional mistakes/abuse or whatever you want to call it. But they also both beat my physically on very rare occasions. I will admit that I probably deserved one or two of those beatings as I was a handful of a kid at times, but I still remember those times pretty clearly.
Thankfully my relationship with both my parents is much better these days. My depression and other things come and go. Kinda just take it day by day.
Cheers for all the bad parenting we got eh?
But they also both beat my physically on very rare occasions.
What do you mean "beat"
Were they actually beating you like a school bully would, or are they slapping your hands?
Both are wrong, but an actual "beating" would probably cross the line and is both immoral and illegal.
And no, you don't "deserve" any type of corporal punishment for anything that you might have done (unless you murdered your siblings or something like that)
Uhhh mom hit me with wooden spoons or three things at me when she was angry. I definitely pushed her buttons and antagonized her at least once that I can remember. So that one I'll take the blame for.
My father only threw something at me once. But I remember one time he spanked me so badly I couldn't sit comfortably for a few days. I was in highschool at that point lol.
They never like punched me or kicked me or anything like that.
“Why doesn’t he want to talk to us after we basically ran psychological experiments on him?”
"Why does my child never call, moved out and left me homeless"
Who knows mom, we'll never be able to figure this mystery out
"You always seem to 'develop' some sort of health issue. You're kind of a hypochondriac!"
Me, who went undiagnosed with multiple physical & mental health issues all my life, only to be told that my issues were actually manifestations from demons because I was not following, believing, and trusting in God hard enough. 😶
"Wow! You're doing so well now! See? You're not—!"
My life in a nutshell