Agree. But it's like all the media focuses on like it's the only thing people are concerned about right now. Meanwhile the government tackles this less important problem instead of what people really are concerned about.
More distraction from the liberals. Ignoring the damage their economic policies have on society in search of the next scapegoat. Nazis? Transgenders?! TRANSGENDERED NAZIS?!. Wait! Let's have a red scare again! No! ESCALATE THE WAR ON DRUGS? But wait, maybe... the JEWS?!?! Brown Jews, even! Foreign, brown Jews, coming to take our jobs and whatnot! Transgendered, foreign, brown Jews, what come wanting to take our jobs, while forcibly changing our genders AND giving us a briss at the same time!!! WHILE DOING DRUGS!!!
Like the one that just got clapped in parliament and set off a shit storm in the process, you mean?
Yes. They are like 100 years old but that was a big war and so that's still a lot of people. If you go to remembrance day ceremonies there's usually going to be one or two hunched over guy there.