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Kim's sister denies North Korea has supplied weapons to Russia
  • No. Because North Korean is fucking poor. Their military shit is from the 50's. I'd be very much surprised if they actually provided anything to Russia other than old Soviet era weapons.

    Edit: Why the downvotes? I'm not defending anyone here??

  • What drew you to the high seas?
  • When I was a poor student I pirated everything. Music, software, games, you name it.

    Now that I have a good stable income, I pay for the things I want because I want to encourage artists and developers. But corporations and capitalism are ruining it all.

    So, I'm changing my habits. Paying money where it actually has a significant impact on the creators, (like going to live concerts and shows, buying albums directly from the artist or from their own site, buying indie games from small studios, going to watch movies from studios that respect their employees and artists and unions) and pirating the ever loving shit out of everything else coming out of a large corporation.

  • A habitable Earth can no longer afford the rich – and that could mean me and you - Climate Uncensored
  • LoL yeah right. Me and you? The media is still trying to scare the working class into making sacrifices while the ultra rich continue their opulent lifestyles and companies continue to be the cause of the vast majority of the pollution.

  • Family photo
  • I got a few friends who work in IT like me who have keyboards line these. I wouldn't last an hour using those for daily programming.

    So far my favorite keyboard for work has been the Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic keyboard. I haven't had any other keyboard match it's comfort.

    They discontinued it but Lenovo now has a similar one.

    They're not very good for gaming though. And the mouse is usually pretty lousy in terms of DPI.

  • Feu rouge brûlé à haute vitesse | Simple amende pour avoir tué une femme Feu rouge brûlé à haute vitesse | Simple amende pour avoir tué une femme

    Une Montréalaise a été tuée par une dépanneuse illégale dont le chauffeur conduisait dangereusement, vient de trancher la justice. Ce dernier est passible d’une amende de 1000 à 3000 $, une issue face à laquelle la famille de la victime est ambivalente.

    Feu rouge brûlé à haute vitesse | Simple amende pour avoir tué une femme
    TD May Face US$2 Billion Money Laundering Fine, Third-Largest Ever: Analysts - Better Dwelling TD May Face US$2 Billion Money Laundering Fine, Third-Largest Ever: Analysts - Better Dwelling

    Canada’s second largest bank may have just seen its tiny money laundering problem turn into a big one. TD, also the sixth largest bank in North America, recently disclosed they’ll be setting aside hundreds of millions in funds for any potential fines related to an anti-money laundering (AML) complia...

    TD May Face US$2 Billion Money Laundering Fine, Third-Largest Ever: Analysts - Better Dwelling
    Le Bagel Burlesque Expo est ce weekend Bagel Burlesque Expo - Montréal, CA

    Bagel Burlesque Expo, neo-burlesque extravaganza à Montréal

    Bagel Burlesque Expo - Montréal, CA

    Le Bagel Burlesque Expo est ce weekend. Si vous cherchez quelque chose à faire ce weekend je vous recommande vraiment d'aller voir au moins un des deux shows. C'est vraiment malade. À chaque fois j'ai trippé ma vie. Hautement recommandé!

    べすけですけべす (Besuke desu kebesu)

    We are having Japanese guests over for the week and one of them mentioned this manga called "Besuke desu kebesu". It's about this very conservative school girl who apparently has a lot of thoughts about boys and there is a mischievous invisible demon that tries to make her acknowledge her thoughts and enable her to realize her imaginary fantasies or something?

    Would any of you by any chance have ever heard of this manga and would know the title in either English or French?

    Do We Really Want a Food Cartel? Do We Really Want a Food Cartel?

    Mergers and acquisitions have created food oligopolies that are inefficient, barely regulated, unfair, and even dangerous.

    Do We Really Want a Food Cartel?

    Even though this article is about the U.S. there is a clear parallel with the Canadian food industry.

    I'm trying to find a physical copy of Rainbow War

    When I was 7, our class was brought to a neighboring elementary school to watch a projection of a short movie. It was about different nations of different colors, one blue, one yellow, and one red. Something happened and they all went to war against each other trying to paint each other with their own nation's color. This movie was incredible and really left a mark in my memory.

    I only found it recently. It's called Rainbow War. I'm trying to find a physical copy of it, or even a digital copy if possible. The only place I could find it was on Amazon for nearly 100$ CAD. That seems excessive for a short film. Would anyone know of any other source to purchase it or, heck, even download it?

    Reproducing a Microsoft corporate environment on Linux.

    Most companies I've worked at where employees had a Microsoft work computers. They were under heavy control, even with admin privileges. I was wondering, for a corporate environment, how employees'Linux desktops could be kept under control in a similar way. What would be an open source or Linux based alternative to the following:

    • policy control
    • Software Center with software allow lists
    • controlled OS updates
    • zscaler
    • software detection tool to detect what's been installed and determine if any unallowed software is present
    • antivirus
    • VPN

    I can think of a few things, like a company having it's own software repos, or using an atomic distribution. There's already open source VPN solutions if course. But for everything else I don't really know what could be used or what setup we could have.

    Mon expérience de gaming sous Linux

    J'utilise Linux depuis bientôt un quart de siècle. Je me rappelle encore ma première distro à l'école au cégep (un genre de collège au Québec). C'était RedHat 6. Chez moi j'ai installé Mandrake sur mon PC. J'avais tellement eu de la difficulté à trouver et installer les modules pour ma carte graphique et faire fonctionner l'Internet par DSL. J'avais réussi mais ça a pris pas mal de mon temps. Le gaming à cette époque était quasi inexistant sous Linux à part une poignée de jeux compilés pour l'os. J'ai donc toujours eu un système en dual boot avec Windows pour les jeux.

    20 ans plus tard et Steam arriva avec sa console. Tout à coup je commence à voir des publications sur Reddit à propos de gens qui jouent à leurs jeux sur Linux. J'observe attentivement et je vois qu'il y a encore quelques petits problèmes alors j'attends. Puis enfin, l'an dernier j'ai décidé de faire le test. J'ai lu plein de tutos sur comment faire et ça me semble assez simple. Alors j'ai fait un essai. Installé Steam et le jeu Ghost Runner.

    Lorsque j'ai vu le jeu démarrer et que j'ai commencé à jouer, j'ai presque hurlé. La simplicité d'installer le jeu et de l'exécuteur et de voir que tout fonctionne à perfection avec toutes les options que ma carte graphique pouvait offrir, c'était impensable il n'y a même pas 10 ans.

    De devoir télécharger le code source d'un module de carte graphique et devoir recompiler son kernel juste pour avoir l'accélération 3D et de travailler pendant un mois à lire de la documentation et essayer de faire fonctionner MS Office sur Wine, à simplement cliquer pour lancer un jeu moderne complet sans problèmes, c'est incroyable. C'est l'équivalent de passer d'une Ford modèle T qu'on démarre avec une manivelle à une voiture électrique moderne.

    Strange pop-up window when opening Firefox.

    Very recently I started noticing something weird every time I launched Firefox. Whether it's a normal session or private session it always happens. When I launch the application there is a small pop-up window that appears with squares of colors, like primary colors, blue, red, yellow. It appears for a fraction of a second. Has anyone else noticed this?

    Le fumeur du métro

    Est-ce que je suis le seul à être tanné d'endurer la fumée de cigarette de cet enfoiré de merde qui fume toujours sur les quais et même dans les wagons du métro, même à l'heure de pointe? Il a vraiment une face d'envie de chier et personne n'ose le confronter, car ça semble assez évident que c'est ça qu'il cherche. Ou sinon il le fait parce que personne n'ose dire un mot et créer un conflit. Il m'écoeure au plus haut degré.

    Il est pas mal toujours habillé de la même façon. L'avez-vous déjà remarqué? Le connaissez vous?



    Projets de logement | 30 millions de plus pour la décontamination à Montréal Projets de logement | 30 millions de plus pour la décontamination à Montréal

    Montréal pourra dégager une somme supplémentaire d’environ 30 millions pour décontaminer des terrains voués à des projets de logement, dans l’est de la métropole et ailleurs, en vertu d’une entente intervenue avec le gouvernement du Québec.

    Projets de logement | 30 millions de plus pour la décontamination à Montréal
    Yuzu installer download is not available anymore. Anyone willing to share it?

    As I said in the title, the installer isn't available anymore from this page.

    I wanted to download it the moment I heard they were getting sued, but it looks like it's already too late.

    Their Git repos now only has the website source code.

    I was only able to find a copy here, but I doubt it might not be the latest.

    Does anyone have the latest installer for both Windows and Linux? Would you be willing to share it with me? You can PM me to share a download link if you want.

    It would be much appreciated.

    What's your experience with gaming using Elementary OS?

    Like the title says.

    I've just been experimenting with some distros like Endeavour, POP! and Elementary. I did a little review here.

    Elementary really stood out for me as one of the best looking and easiest Desktop Linux distributions so far. Its simplicity is really appealing to me and I feel it would allow me to focus on the important stuff instead of going full ADHD and constantly trying to tweak my desktop with some new widgets or customization. (KDE is horrible for that, even though I really like that environment.)

    Do any of you use it as a daily and specifically for gaming? What was your experience like?

    Evaluating some distros

    Hello all,

    Just to provide some background, I've been using Linux since 2000.

    My distro experience is somewhat limited as I've only used RedHat-based and Debian-based distros like RedHat 6, Mandrake, Ubuntu (and its various flavors), CentOS and pure Debian. Over the years I've used multiple desktop environments, starting with KDE 2 and 3, Windowmaker, then Gnome 2 and MATE, XFCE and finally KDE 5. I've used KDE 4 when it was released with Kubuntu, but it was a complete disaster. Unity was really not my cup of tea either. And I've tried using Gnome 3, but it feels more like a tablet-oriented UI than anything else.

    Lately with the rise of Linux gaming, people are asking around about what's the best distro for a newbie gamer. A lot of people have been recommending Fedora, or even OpenSUSE tumbleweed for their more up to date software packages. Ubuntu less so because a lot of people are disgruntled about Snaps or the telemetry data sent to Canonical. But, a few that stood out to me were POP! OS, Endeavour OS and Elementary OS. So I decided to try them out.

    I started with Endeavour OS because it is based on Arch which gained a lot in popularity. Endeavour OS is supposed to be more user-friendly and stable compared to Arch which is more for power users with bleeding edge software packages that can often contain bugs. I've never used Arch or any Arch-based distros before. The installation was simple and I really liked that it offered to select which desktop environment to install with a pretty big list of options. I also liked the welcome app and all its options including links to Arch-specific documentation like the package management system with video tutorials. I picked KDE for the desktop which is pretty standard. The OS was very snappy in my VM which was set up with 16GB RAM and 12 cores in Qemu. I was able to change resolution pretty easily without any issue and could get right to work. However, Endeavour might not be suitable for a Linux beginner. A lot of the tools and configurations are command-line based which is not the most user-friendly. I also find the packaging system to be a bit complicated with Pacman and Yay compared to others, but I haven't messed around with it too much. I was disappointed in the lack of a UI tool for browsing and managing software packages.

    Then I tried POP! OS. This distro is Ubuntu-based which I'm already pretty comfortable with and is very popular. It has a lot of existing documentation and a huge community behind it. The installation was also pretty simple. The deskop is Gnome 3 with a custom theme, extensions and dock. I personally never really liked Gnome because everything takes so much space on the desktop. Window title bars and other controls seem too big. POP! has this same issue in my opinion. Everything looks big and kind of cartoon-y. Like it's a desktop meant for kids. But since this distro was aimed at gamers, I guess it supposed to look fun in that way. One thing I like about Gnome 3 however, is that there aren't a lot of customizations available out of the box, which ensures everyone has the same experience. Too many customizations, like with KDE, can be a big overwhelming and if you mess around too much you can end up with a broken UI. I really like the POP Shop app as well which gives a good list of top picks. And the presentation is very nice and clean with a beautiful design. Most tasks can be done through a graphical app. I think the only app missing here would be something like Synaptic or Muon to manage Debian packages without using the command line. Overall it's a very simple and easy to use OS for any beginner, although new Linux users might be confused by the desktop environment that is very different from Windows and not quite like the Mac OS. It could probably use a welcome app like Endeavour with a couple of tutorial videos to guide new users around the UI.

    Finally, I tried Elementary OS. This was my favourite out of the three, even though it had some issues out of the box. This is another Ubuntu-based distro, so again I'm very familiar with it. The people behind Elementary OS wanted to provide an experience as close to the Mac OS as possible without getting sued. And I gotta say, they really achieved that goal. The installation was very easy. And when I logged in for the first time, I was very pleased with the desktop environment. The desktop is basically highly customized Gnome 3 desktop. But, they made some tweaks to the UI that make it look a lot more elegant. Unlike in a default Gnome 3 desktop or the POP! desktop mentioned above, the various UI elements don't take as much space. The dock is clean and very easy to use and very reminiscent of the Mac OS dock. Anyone who ever used a Mac before will be in their element with this distro. I love the overall simplicity. The file browser is awesome and has the same column-based browsing as in the Mac OS, which is something I always envied. There's also a bunch of keyboard shortcuts like the Mac OS. You can get a list on screen just by pressing the META (Win) key by itself, which is great for new users. The system tray is simple with a practical notification area. The App Center reminds me of the POP Shop. Actually I think they're both kind of the same with a bit of re-branding and different suggestions. However, I was not able to install Muon or Synaptic out of the box to manage Debian packages and repos. The default browser out of the box is Gnome Web (Epiphany) and it had issues rendering pages right away. I had to install Flatseal through a Flatpak using the command line to modify permissions to make it work. I immediately installed Firefox through a Flatpak afterwards, though the browser was available in the AppCenter. Another bug was with the docker, which hides by default when you maximize a window. When moving the pointer to the bottom of the screen, the dock wouldn't pop up as expected. So I had to make it show at all times through the system settings. Speaking of the system settings, I love its simplicity. There's practically no way you can mess up your desktop but you can still tweak a few elements. Honestly, Elementary OS is what Gnome 3 should look like out of the box. It's so clean and beautiful. I honestly fell in love with that environment. I am highly considering using it as a daily driver.

    Valérie Plante nous rend-elle plus heureux ? Valérie Plante nous rend-elle plus heureux ?

    Se demander si la mairesse de Montréal nous rend heureux est une drôle de question, je l’avoue. Je me la suis posée en visionnant Bonheur intérieur brut, la série documentaire d’Hugo Latulippe consacrée au bonheur, dont le premier de 10 épisodes est diffusé ce mardi sur TV5.

    Valérie Plante nous rend-elle plus heureux ?
    Lettre à Plante Lettre à Plante

    À lire parmi notre sélection quotidienne de lettres rédigées par nos lecteurs.

    Lettre à Plante

    Je trouve que l'auteur emmène un bon point. J'ai voulu le partager.

    Firefox opens old tabs in new window.

    Whenever I open Firefox, it always opens my old tabs from my last session that I've closed, even though the option is disabled in the settings. Anyone else have that problem?

    Jellyfin Android TV + router USB shared storage?


    My router is an Archer AC1350 and it has a USB port for plugging an external HDD as a network shared storage.

    I was wondering if anyone tried that kind of setup with Jellyfin on Android, specifically on an Nvidia Shield?

    Does it work? How well? If not, then should I invest in another kind of network storage soluion?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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