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  • shutting out a significant portion of your community without seeking their input first isn't a sensible move for such a foundational open source project.

    It actually is a perfectly sensible move, and it doesn't "shut out" anyone. If anything, prioritizing twitter is what shuts users out. They linked to two-three alternatives. What's the argument here, exactly, from the other side?

    • I think the argument is that those alternatives already existed before. Twitter was not being prioritized, it was essentially mirroring the content already available in RSS, mastodon, etc. So effectively, there's now one less place where the news will be visible.

      However, I do agree with the move, but only because Debian being a FOSS initiative should stay away from proprietary platforms and promote FOSS, even if it means effectively "shutting off" a portion of users who don't wanna leave the twitter bubble.

  • As it turns out, having an account on a social media platform full of Nazis, violent racists, and child diddlers is not good for business.

  • The reasons (summarized using Copilot):

    • The platform no longer aligns with Debian's values, social contract, code of conduct, and diversity statement.
    • Concerns over X becoming a place where people they care about don't feel safe.
    • Abuse on the platform happening without consequences.
    • Issues with misinformation and lack of moderation.
  • didn't even knew they had an account there, good can't see how twitter could ever be a good fit for Debian values or any person with who care about foss.