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Zig Programming Language

zig-robotics/zigros: Zig build for the entirel rcl and rclcpp stack

From the README:

Welcome to ZigROS! ZigROS is an alternative build system for ROS2 utilizing the zig tool chain. ZigROS prioritizes static, single executable builds and edge deployments. Wrapping all the core C and C++ libraries, it greatly simplifies the ROS installation and deployment process by masquerading ROS2 as a single library. Simply include ZigROS as a dependency in your build.zig.zon and start building. No messing about with your package manager, ROS dep, or docker required.

ZigROS is suitable for building applications that depend on rcl or rclcpp. This includes interface generation for c and c++. Since the main goal of this project is static builds, python at runtime is out of scope. Python at build time is still required since ROS relies heavily on empy for the code generation. See the python section later on for more detail on how python is used.


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