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  • Sales taxes, including VAT, are inherently regressive. Normally things like unprocessed food are exempted to minimize impact, but it does still affect the poor more than the rich. Why keep them? They are easy to collect, hard to avoid and can bring in lots of revenue without people noticing or complaining.

  • Yes, you're correct: Poorer people spend most of not all of their available on income on everyday goods like groceries, clothes, etc...

    Richer people spend (relatively speaking!) less of their available income on these items and save me

  • It's just a different implementation of sales tax. Non-European countries in the Global North also have it, including the big one I shall not name, just sometimes under a different form and thus different name.

  • Yes, you're correct: Poorer people spend most of not all of their available on income on everyday goods like groceries, clothes, etc...

    Richer people spend (relatively speaking!) less of their available income on these items and save me

  • The rich don't have to pay taxes. The taxes they pay are largely voluntary.

    That is the way of the world. It's a truism. That's what happens. You cannot change it.

    Bonus extra: the trickle-down theory almost entirely doesn't exist either. BUT the second generation - the grandchildren - after the original rich person will usually piss almost all of the fortune away.

    Second bonus extra: the same thing happened with serious socialism; the leaders become dictators.

    Anarchy for the win. 😁