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GitHub - celenityy/Phoenix: Phoenix is a suite of configurations & advanced modifications for Mozilla Firefox, designed to put the user first - with a focus on privacy, security, freedom, & usability.

Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated to the project.

Aside from the fact that it's relatively new and unknown, does this hold a candle to other Firefox-based projects? They seem to be competent by their own comparison tables.

Has anyone got any first-hand experience?

  • It looks reasonable with their table. Not sure if I want to try it though, enabling a lot of the privacy features like resist fingerprinting often breaks login flows, and breaks dark mode detection on sites. It also does some stuff like disabling URL bar suggestions that really impacts usability.

    Overall I'd say these things are only worth it if you don't use your browser to do normal every day things like banking, shopping, and watching media.

    • The resistfingerprinting option works well but as you said breaks a lot of stuff. Sometimes subtly in ways that are hard to trace back to the fact that you enabled it. It should only be used by those in a special profile they created specifically for the purpose of using it, IMO

      • Yeah and I wouldn't mind if there was a button I could click to whitelist a domain from all the privacy protections, but FF doesnt have that.