Why do we cry when we are sad?
Why do we cry when we are sad?
I mean, why do our eyes get wet? Is there any evolutionary or logical reason behind this?
Why do we cry when we are sad?
I mean, why do our eyes get wet? Is there any evolutionary or logical reason behind this?
It’s a pretty well-tuned signal of distress.
It’s only noticeable up-close, so enemies or predators aren’t likely to notice.
It’s pretty expensive to do, so you’re not going to spam it. Your body takes a while to make more tears, and you need those to keep your eyes comfortable.
It does a good job of making you harmless so others know it’s safe to help you. It’s hard to see through teary eyes, and hard to coordinate muscles when you’re shuddering from sobs.
Good comment
Tierzoo, is that you?
Hmm..... True.
Crying has everything to do with infanticide.
It also lowers male aggression, which protected babies from infanticide. Here come angry papa responding to the baby alarm!
In most primates, males commit the most infanticide. Humans are the exception. Infants are almost never killed by men. Women often kill their own newborn out of severe trauma. Though some kidnap and kill out of jelousy. Never trust a woman having a hard time getting pregnant. Never let her near your pregnant wife. Never let them alone with your newborn or young child.
Killing your own offspring out of spite is a very useful evolutionary advantage in species that need to put a lot of energy in their kids. Male forced you and fertilized your eggs? Just recycle and start over next time. In humans, it means not putting years of energy into a child forced on you. Kill and start over with a stable partner. Because of this, rape is only about seeking dominance and control over someone. It has nothing to do with reproduction anymore. Men commit more sexual assaults than women, but the motivation behind rape is the same. Women may be less violent, but still often torture their victims in other ways.
Adding factor is serial monogamy. Animals who lost their partner, are willing to neglect their offspring to increase their bond with the new mate when he/she doesn't accept their offspring. Humans do this too. The cold stepparent.
Baby killing is a natural behaviour. Albeit a horrid one. It's a way to maintain bodily autonomy for females in general, and especially useful when two parents are more succesful than a single parent. Menstruation made it so that infanticide would be even less likely. Menstruation reduces the chance of pregnancy by 40-60%. It's a preventive misscarriage known as embryonic wasting.
The defensive behaviour of reducing male aggression led to women crying more than men. Baby cries don't lower women's aggression. It might increase it. The smell of babies for sure increases female aggression. Mostly to protect their child from a jelous/grieving female who lost their baby (female-female competition is understudied) or from a controlling male bachelor looking to get the mother to ovulate again sooner so he can mate with her (with or without consent!).
As a social signal
Came here to say that, I can not remember the exact details but I read somewhere there is an additional chemical complexity to emotional tears as opposed to practical flushing tears that thickens them such that they flow more slowly down the face and so are visible for longer.
I was looking for a good source for that (I have heard the same thing) but found this instead which is still helpful.
This made me think of a related question: Do our primate relatives also cry when sad?
Turns out no, they do not! Humans are the only animal that sheds tears. We are unique and sometimes sad snowflakes 😢
I wonder how thoroughly that's been explored - definitely have some contradicting anecdote. Used to have pet dogs that fucking adored each other, and when one died, the other become noticeably depressed, to include constant tears. I mean maybe it was just an oddly timed eye infection or something, but it sure looked related to the other's death.
If I remember correctly, elephants do something much like crying when they're sad, not identical, but quite similar.
Humans are not the only animal that sheds tears. Note they specify emotional tearing is considered uniquely human but do not specify tearing as uniquely human. Plus they studied tears in mice as stated in the beginning of the abstract.
Human Tears Contain a Chemosignal https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1198331
Emotional tearing is a poorly understood behavior that is considered uniquely human. In mice, tears serve as a chemosignal. We therefore hypothesized that human tears may similarly serve a chemosignaling function. We found that merely sniffing negative-emotion–related odorless tears obtained from women donors induced reductions in sexual appeal attributed by men to pictures of women’s faces. Moreover, after sniffing such tears, men experienced reduced self-rated sexual arousal, reduced physiological measures of arousal, and reduced levels of testosterone. Finally, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that sniffing women’s tears selectively reduced activity in brain substrates of sexual arousal in men.
Tears actually also contain a form of opiate. So crying will make you feel better in that regard.
I know now why you cry
But it is something I can never do.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Because tears are stored in the brain
I'm not crying, you're crying. sniff
I heard somewhere that sad tears help remove stress hormones from your body to help you feel better sooner.
This may be pseudo-science nonsense though, I'm not sure.
This is coming from somebody with zero medical background.
I can't speak for why it is eyes and tears that are affected by sadness (maybe the proximity to the brain). But I assume the connection itself is neurological aided a lot by hormones. It also isn't static, it can change over time.
I for example completely lost the ability to cry. No matter how fucked up the situation, how sad, how stressed I am I feel the pressure in my eyes but I can't cry. Keyword being "lost", it wasn't always like that.
But then there are people that will literally cry at every possible occasion, not even connected to sadness in any way.
I feel like it happens because somewhere in your hindsight, deep in your sub conscious mind, you know that you'll be alright, whatever the loss be, or it's just that you don't actually really care, or there wasn't much of a deep intellectual connection between you too.
Man, I almost also felt the same, but when my gf left me for someone else, that shit hit me too hard.
Reminds people of children/babies, and can make them more empathetic. It’s not as effective anymore because manipulative people ruined it for everyone.
You cheat, you lie. You don't even know how to say goodbye.