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  • I'd immediately go into the basement and start memeing. I have redundant internet connections for these kinds of situations so I should still be able to post memes. I'm locally hosting a Mastodon instance so I can post even if the internet is down globally. I also have a TCP-over-HF setup so that I can post memes anywhere in the world without intermediate infrastructure. If humanity is completely destroyed, I would start memeing and rickrolling on cave walls for future generation

    • TCP-over-HF

      I am quite interested in that. How did you achieve it? Is there some license-free band? As far as I know encryption is not allowed for any ham radio transmissions. What's the bandwidth? It seems packet radio on HF is 300 baud.

      • TCP-over-HF is very slow, even with a lot of compression and low resolution the max throughput is about 4 memes per hour. I want maximum distribution of my memes so I wouldn't use any encryption.

    • I mean, I've got a WAN connection and two Sim Cards connected to different mobile providers, but at some point they probably all depend on parts of the same infrastructure.

      Maybe I should look into some distributed networking stuff...

    • Same here. My city's buildings are not made with missile protection in mind. We don't even have basements for tornado protection since tornados barely ever happen here. And if an earthquake strikes, you're basically doomed to live in a tent for the next decade of your life assuming you survive.

      I hate Morocco so much.

  • Assuming it's nuclear, sit around and mourn the fact I don't have a basement. Hope that either A: missle defence works, or B: I'm in the evaporation zone. Radiation sickness sounds awful.

    Even if the explosion and fallout completely missed my area, I think EMP disruption would be a huge issue and lots of people would be panicking, stealing, murdering trying to survive.

  • Make sure my phone was actually on silent, put ear plugs in and go back to sleep. I'm too fucking tired to try and survive anything more.

  • Go stand in the street and flip off the CIA satellite overhead. I'm ready.

  • I'm about 45 minutes from the Sierra Nevada mountains so I'm headed there to a place I know.

  • Nothing I can do. As far as I know there is no bomb safety infrastructure near my house plus I'm afraid of getting trapped underground so I wouldn't want to risk sitting in one.

    I'd crack a beer, sit out on my deck and call my family and close friends to say my goodbyes.

  • If Iโ€™m in a country that isnโ€™t at war, and has a strong military:

    Ignore it and go about what I was doing. Later on, probably read about some idiot who sent the warning by accident.

    Possibly, die in a fiery explosion.