Is there a better post-Christmas breakfast than cold pie you eat directly out of the fridge with you hand?
Is there a better post-Christmas breakfast than cold pie you eat directly out of the fridge with you hand?
The answer is no.
Eating all the chocolate that you got in one go, even though your stomach still hates you for severely abusing it for 2 days straight.
11 0 ReplyI had leftover tortellini alfredo, 10/10
6 0 ReplyThere are tons of foods that slap as leftovers.
6 0 ReplyEnsalada de frutas
6 0 ReplyTamales
4 0 ReplyOkay actually this may be a good contender for cold pie, I concede that
3 0 ReplyPie is pretty great too!
2 0 Reply
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