Genuinely believe a good bit of the madness going on in the world right now stems from the fact that people are solely coming to the realization that colonizing other planets is impossible.
Greenland: The US has tried to purchase the island several times throughout history
Canada: US Americans have desired to take Canada since before independence from Britian. The original Articles of Confederation has a provision allowing Quebec to join the USA. Newfoundland had a small USA annexation movement before it became part of Canada
USA: All of the changes are/were proposed states, some had a real chance of happening (the break up of Texas) and others are just memes (The State of Jefferson in the west coast). Why chuds would want this, I don't know
Cuba: occupied twice by the US in the early 20th century
Dominican Republic: Then known as Santo Domingo, the US tried to annex the country in the 1870s but was shot down by congress
Mexico: Northern Mexico and Baja California were originally intended to be taken as US territory after the 1846 Invasion
Yucatan: White slavers in the briefly existing Republic of Yucatan once asked to become a US state
Nicaragua: On and off occupied and manipulate by the United States throughout history
Panama: Former US colony
Sicily: Occupied by the US in WW2. Post war there was a small sicilian independence movement, which included and even small movement to become a US state
Iceland: The US briefly considered purchasing Iceland after the US Civil War.
Faroe Islands(?): No clue
POB(?): Not sure what this is
South China Sea: Not sure what specific islands this is referring to
USA doesn't deserve to be a country. It should be split between Canada, Mexico, Cuba and indigenous peoples as a punishment for the horrible crimes it has committed throughout its history. Similar to Germany post-WWII
Iceland? The Faroe Islands? The Dominican Republic but not Haiti? I can't even tell what the two topmost cutouts are. Who the fuck is calling for this lmao. This is sub-Gunther tier.
Yes. The city of bremen was carved out of the british occupation zone because the americans wanted a port. Otherwise it would have been part of the federal state of lower saxony.
I've been sensing some real "Only joking, unless..." energy to this line of posting, though I kind of doubt America has the means to actually annex anything without it being a pyrrhic victory at best.
Is there even a time limit to stay in KKKlanada for the US? Is there any part or privilege of Canada you cannot enjoy as a USian? Are they proposing economic and perhaps actual warfare so that customs is a little more convenient?
The biggest issue is that the canadians refuse to make their arctic waters into international waters. Its the same reason Donald wants Greenland and Germany is building a big port (Finnafjord Port) in Iceland for the EU.
stupidest people in the stupidest country on earth like "ugh i wish america had a world-spanning empire based on white supremacy, exploitation, and mass murder! unfortunately my beliefs and desires are too radical for the mainstream political establishment"
Absolutely bizarre and inexplicable. Texas splits, Oklahoma gets subsumed into nearby states, West Virginia takes Pittsburgh, US invades Cuba and la Republica Dominicana but not Haïti, and part of Sicilia? Internationally and domestically incomprehensible.
Part of Sicily is weird, but there was actually a small movement there during WW2 wanting the whole thing to become a US state.
In Sicily, the Party of Reconstruction was one of several Sicilian nationalist and separatist movements active after the downfall of Italian Fascism. Sicilians felt neglected or underrepresented by the Italian government after the annexation of 1861 that ended the rule of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies based in Naples. It claimed 40,000 members in 1944, and campaigned for Sicily to be admitted as a U.S. state.
This is so baffling. Like, what benefit could this possibly achieve beyond "map bigger"? And in that case, why stop here? I know that dominion is the point and all, but why in God's name would this be worth the resources? And is this suggesting we immediately make these conquered terrotories into states? My head hurts.
Like, what benefit could this possibly achieve beyond "map bigger"?
According to the article linked in the other thread on this, it mostly seems to be threat display to squeeze concessions out of Panama and Canada. Doesn't explain the Greenland obsession, tho.
Not sure why only BC/Alberta/Saskatchewan are split in Canada? Northern Alberta and BC would be chud heaven and Southern Saskatchewan would have a population of like 40,000 people because the border is south of every major city in the province. Funny map 10/10