So basically, if I'm an enemy nation, all I have to do to gain military secrets, is claim a bunch of people online are wrong. Then hope one of them is in possesion of classified documents, and is also an idiot.
Standard operating procedure for getting help on Linux tech support is to say that Linux sucks and that it would be way easier to complete a certain task on Windows.
It genuinely amuses me that DCS has had very few instances of sensitive or classified information being leaked.
Whereas frigging War Thunder can't make it a quarter without needing to scrub their forums.
I understand the reality is that it is not about authenticity and more about being able to say the missile they schlep around a hanger is the best missile in the world. But still! You would expect the sickos who get off on the exact right shade of deteriorated grey being on a bezel would care more than the War Thunder crowd.
I think Gaijin also causes this with how they "artificially balance" vehicles based on vague or basically made-up sources and ignore direct sources when it pleases them. Look at the current fiasco going on with their new $60 tank that can't even get smoke grenades for the launcher that's literally on the model for a perfect example.
Or, that time they refused to buff a WW2 tank and called the Wikipedia article a classified document.
From what I understand, almost everything that's been "leaked" on the forums is widely available elsewhere (like wiki leaks), even though it's still classified as confidential or secret by the respective government.
I feel like this should be simple to solve, just say "If anyone ever posts classified info about an in-game stat, that stat is permanently frozen at the current value forever, regardless of accuracy."
With a rule like this, posting classified info immediately means you lose the argument, and people only do it cuz they love to argue online.
natural enshitification. it's like the opposite of natural selection where instead of only the strong survive, the remaining suffer and plague the rest of the species.
Already ahead of you. Gaijin repeats time after time that they cannot under any circumstances use classified/leaked info for stats. Like they legally can't. So if you post it, they can't do anything with it neither now nor ever. xD