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Weekly Warframe: Cyte-09

The invisible marksman, legal wall hack, one shot many kills - Cyte-09!

Passive: Gains Practiced Aim when he kills an enemy by damaging their Weak Points, increasing his Critical Chance against weak points by 1% up to a maximum of 300%, lasting for the entirety of a mission.
Seek - Plant an antenna that projects a forward wave scan. Detected enemies take increased Weak Point Damage, and become visible through walls. Weapons gain Punch through.
Resupply - Throw two Elemental Ammo Packs that instantly refill the active weapon's magazine, while granting the weapon an additional instance of the selected Elemental Damage and Status Effect. Reload clears the effect. Sniper Rifles gain extra damage.
Evade - Jump backwards and become invisible for a short duration. Killing enemies on their Weak Points extends the duration and heals Cyte-09.
Neutralize - Summon the Neutralizer, Cyte-09's exalted Sniper Rifle. Bullets ricochet off Weak Points to seek out other nearby Weak Points. Alt fire lobs a Cold grenade that completely freezes enemies.

Acquisition: Main blueprint is acquired upon completion of The Hex quest. Component blueprints are acquired from Höllvania Central Mall Bounties as an uncommon drop. Alternatively Cyte-09's blueprints can be purchased from Amir of The Hex.

  • I haven't gotten a single blueprint for his parts yet, having just atrocious luck with bounties, so I can't contribute much here besides saying that I'm looking forward to trying him out. Between his stealth, wallhacks and all the new arcanes/mods that enhance stealth attack I think people are going to make some crazy busted builds with him.

    One thing I have noticed is that resupply never runs out on Ocucor, so do with that knowledge what you wish

  • He's pretty interesting so far, not quite sure how I like to mod him, it's mostly balanced right now with some extra duration to make use of invisibility.

    It's a pretty fun warframe, 1 is very useful for single target weapons, shotguns have a fairly easy time hitting weak points without much effort. It's also a significant boost to weak point damage, essentially a less mobile banshee but able to highlight the true weak points of enemies.

    His 2 is just a better dispensary, provides an element (buffed elements don't combine with existing elements anymore), and it's instant instead of waiting for ammo to cycle around, even skipping the reload. It does only refill one magazine, and only compatible with weapons that are not battery based. Weapons that have a reload gimmick like the Phenmor's chance to refill your magazine on a headshot kill, or infinite ammo from the Ak/Magnus Prime's passives etc... It also gives you infinite ammo for weapons like the Lenz (Prisma Lenz is finally usable), Zarr, etc. It does only fill the current magazine, so just mod for max magazine. Less useful for weapons with small magazines, like shotguns or the Vectus/Vectus Prime. This ability can not proc Archon mods when used to buff a regular weapon, however, when the Neutralizer is buffed by Resupply, it is able to trigger the corresponding Archon Mod.

    Evade is invisibility with similar recharge mechanics to Harrow's Lasting Covenant/Gyre's Cathode Grace. The healing is somewhat useless at higher levels, might have been interesting if it could apply to companions/objectives. I would probably subsume this for Pillage/Condemn, the ability is less useful, in a squad when everything is getting nuked. Condemn has the benefit of making it easier to hit weak points .

    Neutralize is nice, it only drains energy when firing (bug?), and is able to keep its shot combo after ending the ability unlike something like Valkyr's claws. Ricochets also count towards the shot combo. Not quite sure how I want it modded at this point, for now it's using Primary Acuity and I even have Sharpshooter on it as a way to manage energy recovery. From what I can tell, Ricochet seems to happen on the last enemy hit.

    *Evade currently has a bug where it appears active to the player but doesn't actually provide invisibility/healing, similar to how Lasting Covenant can appear to be functioning by its buff timer but actually expired. You can enter Operator Mode and if you can see your warframe while Evade is "Active" the bug is currently effecting you and it needs to expire and be recast for you to fix it.

  • I admit, I haven't gotten Cyte-09 myself as all my rep is going straight into rank-ups right now but I've seen others play him and the guy looks like a powerhouse. His Exalted sniper rifle addresses the biggest issue that weapon type has - multi target viability. Shoot one guy, kill 4 others! Ressuply is just plain insane, even without using his 4 this ability is just crazy. Guaranteed status procs of whatever type you want on every shot! Heat is the obvious choice but Blast and Gas can be extremely effective at clearing crowds as well. Need to srtipo some armor? Corrosive is right there! Could use some CC to make landing those precision shots easier? Cold! This frame could have this one ability alone and he would still be one of the best gun frames available! Evade gives you near permanent invisibility as long as you play the frame the way he's supposed to be played. The CD looks bad but it starts ticking when you activate the ability, get enough precision kills and build enough duration and you can stay invisible all the time. Seek synergies with the rest of his kit perfectly, wall hacks and weak spot highlights make getting those precision kills a breeze without even needing to move from your sniping spot of choice. All in all, an amazing if maybe a bit solo-focused frame. I imagine making his whole kit work in a team might prove difficult, unless you forgo the 4 entirely and just run-and-gun with Ressuply and any accurate crit focused gun.

  • I’m interested in Cyte-09’s potential as a boss mulcher, given synergies with other recent mod and arcane additions. Might even join my two favorites, Mag and Harrow.

  • Cyte-09 with Kunai Incarnon Genesis is my go-to for headshot Riven challenges now. Neutralizer is the main workhorse, Kunai for the fiddly stuff like aim glide/sliding headshots. I do wish I could slap Stabilizer on Neutralizer, since the kickback is pretty intense.

    My main criticism is that he's another "greedy" frame that competes with squadmates for kills to upkeep stealth and headshot bonuses, and it can be challenging to find those headshots when you regularly play with war criminals who favor frames like Wisp/Dante/Mesa.

  • Ok so I finally built him and had around a day to play around with Cyte and I gotta say, he feels very powerful although the game seems to devolve to clicking the bright spots in the wall 😁 Truly a masterful sniper experience

    The invisibility is easy to maintain but I do find that eventually some enemies manage to group around me and attack me anyway, I guess the sniper is loud enough to give away your position anyway. So you do have to kinda rely on your allies to protect you if you don't play actively, and in return they get to not see any enemies since you'll be killing entire groups with a single shot 3 walls away.

    It's a weird frame for sure...