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  • Maryland crab cakes vs crab cakes from anywhere else

    NM chile vs Colorado chile vs any other chili

    Tex Mex vs CA Mex vs New Mexican vs Mexican

  • BBQ styles tend to get people picking sides because they vary so widely and often have something to then that is unfamiliar to people who are used to another style.

    All involve slow cooking. Some are dry, as in dry spices and seasonings are applied but no moisture. Others are wet and are frequently slathered in sauce while cooking. Some have a very strong smokey flavor and some have a strong vinegar taste.

    I like most types, except the ones with the strong vinegar flavor. While I won't tell someone they are wrong for liking that, if I accidently bite into the vinegar based BBQ it makes me angry and people being confrontational about it makes a bit more sense.

    There is also some pizza rivalries and people who like Chicago deep dish are wrong.

  • Connecticut picked a fight over pizza and won.

    Edit: the WELCOME TO THE PIZZA CAPITAL OF AMERICA signs on the highway point into New York, for added shit kicking. We put up different ones to gloat at Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Something about basketball for Springfield, because they have a basketball hall of fame. I don't fuck with Rhode Island or I-95 so I don't know what's out east.