"As a Biden voter this is so fucking stupid. THIS is where we use the Republican’s moves against them? For his dickhead kid!? Not for the Supreme Court or pushing legislation through? Fuck, man.
Giving credence to their “Biden is corrupt” mantra and that both sides do it for their voters while solving nothing for common Americans at this really crucial time. It’s so insulting and such a bad move."
Must be awesome to have a powerful dad, get a super high paying job in Ukraine, smoke crack, shoot guns, drive around recklessly with guns and crack then get pardoned. Then have liberals insist it had nothing to do with the current war and that the US isn't the most corrupt country on earth.
I mean in genealogy of morals Nietzsche makes it clear mercy is the mark of power
This self-overcoming of justice: one knows the beautiful name it has given itself – mercy; it goes without saying that mercy remains the privilege of the most powerful man, or better, his – beyond the law.
It's literally the dialectical self overcoming of justice (sich selbstaufhebung).
To think Trump came really close and now they're like "lol nope" and Biden is probably going to pardon him anyway. Same shit with Biden's failson, but yeah man, tell me about democracy and all that sounds lovely.
This is the second funniest thing he could have done on his way out and the third one already happened (welcoming Trump to the white house and posing with him). Let's hope for a hat trick!
I mean it was clear that he would do this the moment that Trump won, and honestly helping his son like a normal person is like the only human thing I've seen this ghoul do.
I-uh uh I love you, uh, Fat, er, I mean Drumpf, so I hereby pardon you of your murder, you killed your wife, right?
Thanks Crooked Joe for the pardon, y'know I never liked you, you're such a sucker, I totally fucked you over and you're too stupid to realize that, folks, he's a real loser. LOSER.
Yea they're not wrong that republicans have no room to complain about this they just get really mad if you take the next logical step and say "because does and republicans aren't actually that different"
Justifying their actions by acknowledging it's hypocritical but they correctly don't care, but still trying maintain the moral high ground.
see, i think there's something much more insidious in obama and biden's facade of public service and respectability. trump's general proposition is "trump good." that's all on the surface with him. he's telling you that. i think you have to be much much more of a narcissist to convince yourself that your own personal apotheosis constitutes an emancipatory movement unto itself.
I once again point out that both parties long for fascism. The GoP for the bluster of Mussolini, the Dems for the Hall Monitor Tyranny of a Salazar. Their Salazar just gave out an unsanctioned hall pass and they're reeling.
It seems like Hunter is incapable of surviving on his own. All the better if prison isn't a surrogate father for him. He's going to implode in some way that damns the Biden name even for the most bloodthirsty liberals.
I guess I can stop being surprised Biden hasn't pardoned Hunter. I just expect this level of corruption from government officials and it's nice to be proven right