What is going on with outlook/hotmail being down?
What is going on with outlook/hotmail being down?
What is going on with outlook/hotmail being down?
I don't know. But as an IT person it's generating a lot of damn calls.
Get on it Microsoft.
Seems to be a Microsoft problem, fairly widespread. Will probably clear up soon ^TM
There are people who use Hotmail still alive?
Yes indeed. You could've just asked Jeeves that, you know.
What's a jeeves?
There are people that still use yahoo, and other services even older than that.
Yes, did you have questions?
Our IT department let us know that Microsoft was rerouting traffic for Outlook to alternative infrastructure to restore functionality. No estimate on how long it would be.
Hotmail is up. Looks like it's an Outlook problem.
Looks to be, Hotmail is fine… for once. Usually Hotmail is down at least a few times a week for me.