Examination you say? What kind?
Examination you say? What kind?
Examination you say? What kind?
An Australian-friendly hospital I see. I approve.
That office should be in the Psych ward though not OB but i guess if you're that much of a cunt it becomes hard to classify
When fetuses' hearts misbehave, they get put in Fetal Heart Custody until after the fetus is born.
Not to be confused with the Pussy Examination at the vet next door.
What a great example of the difference between denotation and connotation.
how so?
Presumably the sign meant to say something along the lines of pelvic, or vaginal examination, or whatever the proper English medical signage should be, which would have the correct connotation, but instead they only picked a word with the same denotation.
Well I guess it's been a while since my last one
Let's look at that goober, mate!
Wait, is goober slang for vagina somewhere? In the us south it's just peanuts, and occasionally a kid friendly term for a silly person. I can imagine it being used as a term for a penis and/or balls, but ive never personally heard it.
We need to make it slang everywhere!!! Now!
It needs to become so standard that one day an old man will call his grandson a goober and the whole family will be mad at him. He somehow missed the memo.
Also, later seasons of the Andy Griffith show will be up to 100x as funny.
People will be watching this old show and then suddenly the goofy vagina character shows up as a permanent resident.
I love this.
No idea. I'm just watching too much Garbage Time channel on YouTube
Damn. In the SpongeBob Movie there's an ice cream shop called "Goofy Goober". I didn't know why the mascot's a peanut until now.
In comparison to some article descriptions on Amazon, this is actually a comprehendable translation.
Straight to the point
Well it is nice to have a sign to tell me where to go. Weird that it is in the OB ward though.
Does anyone can read Chinese to see what the original text says?
As a Chinese learner, it's just "vaginal examination" to me
For some reason though whatever translating software there was it picked a swear option
阴道镜检查室 (yīndào jìng jiǎnchá shì)
vagina lens examine room
The funny part is that 阴道 (yīndào) is a bit euphemistic - the meaning "vagina" is from something like "female channel", but also translates as "concealed path" and carries connotations of the moon.
It's actually the same "yin" as in "yin-yang" and the same "dao" as "Daoism", so "cunt" probably wasn't a great translation in terms of cultural nuance.
Is that where the confirmation hearings for the cabinet picks are being held?
I got a few people to send there namely Elon and Nigel to start with.
Fetal Heart "custody"?
I mean if it's a fetus I'm pretty sure the mother gets custody by default.
It's an accurate translation!