A Tesla Cybertruck owner says there is a concerted effort to publicly shame people who drive the all-electric truck. He recounts several instances where people pointed and laughed at him while driving his Cybertruck.
I was taking a right turn out of a convenience store driveway the other day, waiting for the traffic to go by, and noticed the driver, a female, was apparently laughing hysterically at my truck. She was alone, pointing at my truck and laughing hard.
Like, even ignoring Musk's whole everything now, it's just one of the ugliest vehicles ever designed. Regular Teslas at least look okay if you ignore Musk himself, but the cybertruck looks like they just took a particularly untalented 1st grader's drawing of a vehicle and just went "Make that"
He laments people laughing at him, and likens his purchase of the cybertruck to that of the Toyota Prius. Unfortunately, what he fails to consider, is that the Prius is an economy car. You can make fun of a crappy car, but that mockery ends before it affects the owner, because the majority of us understand that buying a car is more of a financial matter, rather than one of taste. i.e. most of us buy the car we can afford, not necessarily the car we want.
That goes out the window when you take into consideration the cybertrucks price tag. If it was an economy electric car (like the Prius), we would poke fun at the vehicles design and that would be it. But this is a bloated, over-priced, unreliable, gimmick truck; whose only purpose is to serve as an ego-boost to one of the richest, dumbest men on the planet. The man that got bullied into buying and abruptly tanking one of the largest social media companies in the world. The same man jumping around like a pick-me dipshit at a fascist rally for a convicted felon, bankrupt businessman, convicted rapist, and self-described sex-pest.
People can laugh at not just the cybertruck, but also the owner; because paying what amounts to a third of a fucking house so you can fanboy a man sure to go down as one of histories most public dumb-asses, makes you ripe for ridicule (and deservedly so).
I have a hearty chuckle every time I see one of these things. Like spinner wheels, they're functionless wastes of money to make a statement, and that statement is "I am incredibly, just absolutely unbelievably stupid."
They’re only laughing because deep down they know they’re beta-cuck manlets who will never be an alpha-chad like you. It’s an involuntary nervous reaction to feeling viscerally outclassed and unmanned by your aura of effortless brocious dominance.
”I was taking a right turn out of a convenience store driveway the other day, waiting for the traffic to go by, and noticed the driver, a female, was apparently laughing hysterically at my truck. She was alone, pointing at my truck and laughing hard.”
The cyber truck is, at this point, a malfunctioning status symbol. I suppose a 100K truck that sucks at being a truck is intended to communicate the driver is a successful tech guy but, whenever I see one, I think "there goes a rube". I have a similar reaction when I see those gaudy designer bags or "luxury" branded tee shirts. I don't think "there is someone who is successful" I think "that person is an idiot."
There should be a catchy term for status symbols that communicate the opposite of their intention. Stupidity symbol? Status irony? Status error? None of these really roll of the tongue.
He claims he'd never mock a Prius while in the same sentence posting about how much he hates the Prius, and then doesn't think it's fair to be mocked for driving a certain vehicle.
To break this Möbius strip logic: Blame someone else.
He chooses what to drive. If he likes it, that's his right. It's also right of the others not to like it and find it ridiculous. There is no objective reason to drive a Cybertruck except to show off. Well, it backfired for him.
Guys, I just can't figure out why my coworkers laugh at me when I show them my picture wearing a maid costume! What could possibly be funny about that?
There’s a Tesla showroom near me and dozens of cybertrucks out front, all in a couple of lines. They look even more ridiculous when they’re like that, like the point is really driven home about just how ugly they are.
"I drive the equivalent of a 2024 Yugo that is laughably poor quality sold by a huckster and I paid enough to buy 4 reasonable cars. It's the most gaudy design of any car ever produced since the dawn of time. Why would people laugh at me?"
I guess I kind of feel for some of these guys, but the Cybertruck was always going to be a political statement.
Putting aside how dumb it looks, or how terrible it actually is, it's a cultural signifier. Unlike the other Tesla cars, that can easily be separated from Musk and his "brand", that can't be done here.
Musk and his brand was baked into it from conception to production, so, I don't think this is going to resolve itself anytime soon.
Let me jump back to my first point though, I feel kinda sorry for anyone who bought this simply because they have really bad taste, poor financial decision making skills, but who also genuinely weren't aware of the political implications or cultural baggage it would carry.
Although, now that I think about it, every time I've seen a Cybertruck driving, I have also started laughing, but only because it looks just so dumb, and I can't help but imagine the driver losing his finger trying to close trunk.
As a man I’ve been patiently waiting my entire life for the general population of women to realize they can shame men into not being stupid assholes. I don’t think men on the whole are going to like it…but it’s been a long time coming. See: history.
The trucks are cool to a point. I like the way they look, but they were built so poorly that they must be a nightmare to own, and nowhere near worth the price.
My opinion of Musk has nothing to do with it. For the price of it, its ugly as fuck.
I'm not a fan of priuses either, but priuses don't a) take wild swings in design in order to be "edgy" and b) price themselves according to supposed "cool points".
With or without Musk, your choices reflect who you are. This guy bought an overpriced vehicle in order to be "cool" and now he's butt hurt that no one agrees with him.
I have a song I sing whenever I see a Cybertruck. It's sung in a low, gravelly, MANLY voice. The lyrics go like this:
Cybertruck! I'm a douchbag with too much mon-eey.
Cyberbruck! I'm a fan-boy making bad decisions!
My mon-eey makes me cool.
Look at me compensating!
Does anyone remember how, back in the early 2000s, some people would take picture of their hand flipping off a Hummer they saw on the street? I'm getting a similar vibe.
Despite how he's painted in the article, I actually quite like the guy. He bought an overpriced product but genuinely seems to like it and is a bit annoyed that people are laughing at him not because the product is expensive, but because of the association of the product with the manufacturers shitty politics.
It'd be like laughing at someone who bought an Apple Mac after the founder of the company has repeatedly been seen washing his feet in a toilet. Despite how overpriced and unnecessary the Mac is, people seem to like it and no one is making toilet associations with them. He's asking for the same concession to be made for him.
Well I would, but I really hate the manufacturer, so I'm guessing I'm standing with my fellow mob of pointing and laughing. Sorry about that, my dear.
Simple solution. Move to a town that isn't fully of pretentious haters. You could always live around normal people. But some towns are cursed with these kinds of people.