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  • I had a dude come up to me at the reference desk and tell me that the earth can’t be billions (he said trillions, lol) of years old because erosion from the Mississippi River would make it wider and deeper than it is. I pulled up some info including the idea that the Mississippi was something that came about more recently because of plate shifting, etc and he just said, "Nah."

  • We obviously live in a matrix/simulated world, and it can't be older than 50 years, because before that, computers didn't exist. Checkmate christians.


  • Yeah this doesn’t do squat to prove or disprove anything to these nutters.

    I’ve done the same with a variety of other things and you will get told the same thing:

    God put it here.

    Thing is you cannot argue with the above statement because it falls into that sort of argument you used to have when you were a child when the other kid would say ‘Nyah! Last word!!’ or ‘I can’t hear you!!’

  • Dude is gonna come back at him with the first mention of lead in the bible and say, no this is where God created lead, lol.

  • This is false, the Flying Spaghetti Monster in his infinite noodly wisdom and power created the world yesterday and made the Earth appear billions of years old and the universe appear even older.

  • eat lead? this guy probably has already done that one

    • Probably not willingly. Republican States are often horrible at updating infrastructure, and due to the lack of a well educated population, they don't suffer much repercussion for that. Very high chance they grew up with or still have lead pipes.