The internet, every October
The internet, every October
The internet, every October
That’s crazy to me. I don’t really like holidays but Halloween is such a fun vibe. It welcomes all types and can hit for any mood.
The decor and spooky theming is fun to me, but all the candy and trick-or-treat stuff just flies over my head.
Yeah, I for real don't know how or why more countries aren't celebrating Halloween. It's like the funnest one. Like y'all rest of the world don't wanna play dress up and party for a night?
Aren't there a bunch of dress up and party holidays and such all over the world?
to be fair, it's not just America, although it's kinda just the uk as well, it is an irish/scottish holiday originally after all
As America's hat.
But in the US it's a major event that's ALL of October now. It's a whole other level. Walk into CVS or Walgreens (equivalent of Boots) and there's a wall of Halloween merch right inside the entrance.
Or maybe the UK is the same now? After all, it has Black Friday sales.
UK same. Pumpkin patches everywhere in Oct . I like it.
The holiday came about because that's when the potato harvest is, and they needed schoolkids to work in the fields
Halloween has always been a thing in the UK though, it's just more for little kids
UK used to party pretty hard on Hallows' Eve. I'm quite sure is still a thing.
That would suck to clean.
It would actually be self cleaning in a way.
How do you say, "Sucks to be you guys!" in non-American?
라자냐에 폭탄이 들어있습니다.
I am so glad I translated this.
You can still eat the lasagna, just eat around the bomb.
Pretty sure we had Halloween before the US even existed.
Admittedly we had to carve turnips.
Some still do.
Just so Americans are aware, other countries have been dressing up and celebrating Halloween for our entire lives as well.
You should tell OP that, they don't seem to be aware.
We know.
I fucking love halloween. If this is true, it's one of the few redeeming aspects of USA culture.
i wish Halloween was as important to people as Christmas....
Wait til next month...
Lemmy about to POP OFF about five centuries of American genocide.
Canada already celebrated thanksgiving. And we have a dark past also.
I suppose we have pumpkins, too. At least this holiday is pretty fun, even if no one actually celebrates it here (there's little chance it gets adoption here, where I live we even have a hard time getting into carnival, even though that holiday has native tradition).
Anyway, late August christmas sweets are way better than any Halloween-themed food or drink.
You’re welcome.
Non-United-Statesian here; try it; trust me.
Enjoy your deathtrap Americans
I'm confused if you mean America itself or pumpkin spice lattes, because, don't worry, we're exporting both.
No, they mean deathtrap Americans. I think they're like Irish Americans or African Americans but I'm not too sure where deathtrap is.