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Christians flock to Washington to pray for America to turn to God — by electing Trump

Conservative organizers of the “Million Women” worship rally billed the event — and the November election — as “a last stand moment” to save the nation from satanic forces.

Tens of thousands of evangelical Christians gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Saturday to pray for America’s atonement and for Donald Trump’s return to the White House.

Organizers of the event, billed “A Million Women,” described the gathering — and next month’s presidential election — as “a last stand moment” to save the nation from forces of darkness. For hours, the gathered masses sang worship songs, waved flags symbolizing their belief that America was founded as an explicitly Christian nation and prayed aloud for Jesus to intercede on behalf of Trump in November.

“If we don’t stand now,” said Grace Lin, who traveled from Los Angeles for the rally and came wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat, “then the enemy will take over our country. If that happens, that’s the end.”

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  • Did they not pray hard enough to keep the hurricanes away? What makes them think it will work for them this time?

  • So basically xians are holding another "Wishfest", since prayer is literally about doing nothing except wishing.

  • Just makes it seem like we are moving closer and closer to the "The Chrysalids" timeline. Just need a nuclear war for some mutants.