M31 Andromeda
M31 Andromeda
We really struggled to combine RGB with Ha. For our first try at continuum subtraction however we are very pleased.
- Samyang 135mm f2.0 lens
- Fuji X-T5 (unmodified)
- Star Adventurer 2i
- STC duo narrowband filter
- 288x 60s RGB
- 592x 60s narrowband
- stacked in Siril
- remove green noise
- background extraction
- star removal on both rgb and Ha
- continuum subtraction with Pixelmath in Siril
- adding Ha to RGB with Pixelmath
- BlurXTerminator
- NoiseXTerminator (0.5)
- final editing and recomposition in Photoshop
Full resolution and more details: https://telescopius.com/pictures/view/202859/deep_sky/ngc-206/m31-andromeda/by-maxi_franzi