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Well...after a few posts using Saturn, it prompted me to pay...

Well...after a few posts using Saturn, it prompted me to pay...

Guess my trial period is over in less than 2 hours.

Not much to say tbh, since I didn't get a fair amount of time with it.

Notifications crash the app, that's about all I can say....😬, I would definitely remove the limit on posting. I'm a poster, if I can't post without paying, I'll use something else.

Also, the app crashed several times in the short time I've had with it. The most consistent being when I tried to open my notifications, it crashed every time.

Overall, I can't say much more because I was very limited by the paywall.🤷‍♂️

#Saturn #iOS #Mastodon #Fediverse

  • Many apologies for the subpar experience. That wasn't my intention at all! I have pushed out a new update that lets you post unlimited amount of times without subscribing, and the notifications crash has been resolved too. Please let me know what you think!