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  • It's no longer a reliable solution. Most paywalls now just throw a javascript confirmation at it's IP that breaks the ability to display the article.

    • And worse, 12-Foot Ladder intentionally doesn't work on many newspaper sites. Maybe they got some cease-and-desist letters, but for bypassing paper paywalls it's often useless.

      • I read somewhere that they work together with some companies and disabled their service in those news sites. But whether this co-op has monetary gains for 12ft or is the result from cease and desist orders, that I don't know

    • 12ft and google cache often ends up with HUGE images. I assume sites are using very large image sizes that they are then down-scaling in a way that these sites can't parse.

  • Use these days, it's not perfect either but you get the added bonus of archiving the page for future folks.

    • Does not seem to like my VPN, unfortunately. I end up solving infinite CAPTCHAs.

      • Apparently that’s a transient problem for even people who use it all the time, normally without issues. I’ve never used it myself but read a conversation about it the other day.

        I’m pleased as punch that (nearly) everyone on Lemmy seems to post non-paywalled links, talks about the sites, and exposes them to everyone else.

  • Over the years I’ve tried this site every now and the with varying results. Generally speaking, I seem to be interested in the types of articles where it doesn’t work.