I think we're past due for a major technological breakthrough in energy storage that 1) increases energy density, 2) decreases max charge/discharge time, and 3) is more sustainable than, say Lithium.
With how much R&D seems to be pouring into this right now, I have at least hope.
Mass produced sodium ion batteries, even cheaper solar panels, scalable water desalination, military adoption of quantum entanglement communication, high speed rail in California, MacBooks with a touchscreen
Hopefully we’ll see AR become more common place and easily integrated with glasses. Imagine being at a gathering and you can look at someone and get their name, maybe their LinkedIn or other profile. Directions overlaid right in front of you for navigation. Going to a sports game and seeing player stats above the player. Things like that.
Actually efficient hardware and better batteries. I'm really interested in owning a laptop or mobile some day that can comfortably work for 20+ hours without being charged.
Server side services. Think of things like office online, Google cloud, etc and just expand on it. We already see some with server side gaming. I think it'll be more commonplace in our day to day.
Internet enabled roads, highways. Likely won't be commonly adopted within 10 years but I could see service providers/car companies rolling it out.
I think we're also going to be seeing a lot of robots with new applications. Definitely military. But social and work ones as well.
Massive Trades-based Education and less PhD based international studies.
Rapid Rebuild from MAJOR Disasters ( flooding, fires, tsunami, earthquake, volcano, hurricane, tornado, Cat-6 storms , etc )
Any country heavily dependent on Import/Export with zero local production/productivity will go back to the StoneAge ( tough reality for small countries / city-states )
Massive World-Wars everywhere. Massive Militarization ZERO Democracies surviving including USofA.
I don't mean that we'll see smart versions of new things, but more of the basic things, like Light fixtures, smoke alarms, doorbells etc. Consumers will buy less and less of the "dumb" things until EVERYTHING has WiFi built into it.
There's a japanese company working on a kidney rejuvination drug for cats that's meant to come out next year (potential 10 year increase in average lifespan) so we'll almost certainly have that in 10 years which will be nice.
While I think our current brute force method attempt at AI is already hitting the limits of how 'smart' it can be I suspect over the next few years we'll develop far lighter models until your phone having a simulated personality is just a standard (hopefully optional) feature. They'll probably also have an online feature to cross reference their own answers with wikipedia or something.
Deaslination is likely to get significantly better by sheer neccesity.
I like to think we'll have higher frequency rectennas though probably not optical frequency ones.
I think the satellite based cellular networks like ASTS is currently trying to launch will be ubiquitous.
The tech already seems good, so it'll happen much sooner than 34, but I imagine by that point it will just be one of those things everyone takes for granted.
I can also see small autonomous drones playing a much larger role with various tasks.
I'm not really a fan of AI that doesn't need to have AI in it, but if you see how rapid it progresses, i would assume AI tools where everyone can make a whole movie by just adding prompts. Like make a batman movie, but i'm batman. It's probably not gonna be great but working. Photoshop skills is gonna be the new: you're not always gonna have a calculator in your pocket.
Proper "AI". No more coding, you just tell the machine what to do and it will do it. I don't think in the physical world but computers and every profession that is not physical will be much rarer. Either pivot to AI Management or be the arms that the AI "guides" through a task.
Although, now that I think of it, 10 years might not be enough for such a change.
Glad you could take a break from posting anti-Dem stuff to fantasize about what cool gadgets you could buy in 10 yrs with your 6fig salary. Clearly you have a lot personally invested in the election and aren't just positions and sacrificing more vulnerable populations with your adolescent "don't vote" rhetoric lol