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Is the new #zed editor mostly hype rn?

Is the new #zed editor mostly hype rn?

I can believe it’s good and cool ( built in graphics and collab seem to me like good ideas).

But as someone who happily stayed with sublime (with LSPs a likely game changer) …

takes like “it’s fast!”, “LSP!”, “it now has snippets!” … along with people telling me it has a plug-in system, but doesn’t (cf python/lua runtimes of sublime/nvim) give me massive hype vibes and honestly just feels very “2020s-tech”.



  • @maegul @programming I think there is no general answer, as every developer has different priorities.

    Zed looks and feels much better than VSCode to me. Also a lot is working out of the box, where you need to install Plugins in VSCode.

    But in both Zed and VSCode I miss the good git support of IntelliJ and the overall intelligence of the Jetbrains IDEs. It feels like IntelliJ knows what I'm doing there at 90%, Zed knows like 60% and VSCode like 50%.

  • @programming

    I get that peeps are coming from VSCode and I support competition with MS’s EEE of software dev.

    But, like, bloat and corporate capture were always the trade offs with VSCode … you all knew that right?

  • Zed invented tree-sitter which is a great feature. But since tree-sitter is open source it's also available in neovim and helix.

  • I kinda alternate between vscode and vim. Just depending on how I feel. Never really thought of branching out as other things feel too much. Like I tried pycharm and was not sure where the community stuff ended and where the professional started (free in uni). Netbeans was alright for a class. Sublime was cool, but I didn't do anything special.