Coworker says smashing Japanese beetles will attract more?
I recently had a coworker mention, " You can't just smash Japanese beetles because it will only attract more through a pheromone they release when dying."
Is this actually a thing or is he misremembering some old gossip's tale?
I think I remember something about other insects that may get triggered to attack when one is killed. (I am not really sure though. It might have to be a stingy-type insect, but I couldn't Google anything about it.)
I think it's BS. Logic would say it's BS because of evolutionary purposes of pheromones, which would made in glands, and in almost any other case used for attracting LIVE mates. If you suddenly smashed one, then the worry is you're busting their pheromone sac or whatever and attracting more? Specious.
I'm suspicious haha. I looked it up anyway and can't find any proof of that, only the negative.