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First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • Wow, I didn't see it as I was working. It was somehow worse than I thought even after reading all the threads. Biden should not be there. I will be voting for whomever the democrats nominate because the alternative is worse, but the US is so fucked.

  • Looks like paradise
  • There could be a major road just out of frame. The trees are probably for a combination of windbreak (especially if this is amidst long stretches of open land), shade, and maybe privacy.

  • MMOs 'don't give people the tools to build community anymore,' says EverQuest 2 creative director
  • Except there are many things that can be done without groups and more games add functionality to accomplish this (comparing FFXI at launch and today, for instance). Multiplayer could also simply refer to the fact that multiple people are playing this game at the same time, which would fit better with the first statement.

    If a game wanted to force multiplayer, they should do it from the start and just not allow doing things solo. Then, you're right, I simply wouldn't play that game.

  • Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not
  • A lot of the top set come from latin and/or french (sometimes borrowed from one into the other first). Lots of words around the legal system, government, nobility, etc. come from those roots. Many from the Norman conquest but some earlier. Some even got borrowed in twice (not french but both shirt and skirt are borrowings of the same word at different times).

    A lot of diplomacy was also french be cause that was the language for diplomacy for a long time. For some sciences, it was German.

    A lot of the more working-class, I guess, and later words follow the old Germanic patterns (the base of a lot of old English coming from Anglo-Saxon and, to a lesser degree, old Norse)

  • MMOs 'don't give people the tools to build community anymore,' says EverQuest 2 creative director
  • I, on the other hand, much prefer being able to play an MMO solo and grouping with people when I decide to be social. Locking content behind grouping is just plain annoying. As with all games, I'm there to explore the world and the story and the less I have other humans involved in that, the better in most cases.

  • Sometimes it's just easier to let the players shop
  • Sure be a shame if all that selling screwed up the economy enough to completely offset any gains of collecting everything they can carry and immediately sell it instead of, y'know, roleplaying how actual people in that world would behave.

  • ‘Too many old people’: A rural Pa. town reckons with population loss
  • That was true of the small Ohio town I grew up in. Tons of anti-semitism, racism, hatred of non-straights, hatred of non-christians, etc. Most of the jobs were in agriculture and manufacturing. I no longer live in the US but, if I had to move back, I don't think you could pay me enough to live in that place again.

  • Is it generally safe to walk through a field of cows?
  • If I have to give only a binary yes/no answer, the answer is no. In reality, there are lots of variables ranging from breed, pen size, herd makeup, season, socialization, hunger, weather, and even more that would factor in. That's without considering the other variable of you as a person they don't know.

    Edit: that's not even to say the cattle or a bovine would intentionally hurt you. They're big, sometimes clumsy, have horns, etc. I follow some youtubers who have been raising cattle anywhere from a couple years to most of their lives and they still are very careful in a lot of their movements and interactions.

  • Common printing questions
  • I want to get started 3d printing, partially because I bought a house and farm and need to replace some little bits and bobs that don't necessarily need to be super strong. It just seems a bit too much to try to figure out right now.

  • Climate goals could make gas heating obsolete. So why do gas companies keep adding customers? Building more gas infrastructure is like investing in video rental stores 15 years ago, says expert
  • I have a 200v induction cooktop. My only complaint so far is that I don't quite have as fine-grained control as I did with gas, but that doesn't matter most of the time. It also isn't heating up and around the pan. In any case, I have a portable casette gas stove if I really want to make Chinese in a wok with high heat and the flame coming up the sides.

    My water heater is an eco-cute and does quite well for energy efficiency. It was a bit of a change coming back from instant on-demand gas water heaters, but it's fine now that I'm used to it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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