Patriotism is ingrained from birth like religion — They're forced to pledge allegiance to the flag through schooling, taught little about the world outside the US, and constantly propagandised by politics, hollywood, and capitalism from all angles; non-stop affirmation that the USA is the greatest Democracy™️ in the world, and their Freedoms™️ are the free-est free that ever freedomed.
Yeah, that's about right. Not voting is just as bad as voting for the wrong person. There's this giant chunk of America that's sleepwalking everyone else into chaos.
Pretty much. Secular education tends to begin with Columbus sailing across the Atlantic and seldom ventures north or south of our boarders -- let alone touch on the rest of the planet until World War 2, after which a lot of curriculums just end. Elective courses are better... which is why nearly every year at least one of the states try to ban them.
Most of our protestant schooling likes to make special note of the fact that people fled here to escape religious persecution, that this or that sect wouldn't be possible without American Freedoms™. Hell, Mormon scripture straight up says the US is a promised holy land.