Just learned that a friend of mine always tips 10% on takeout. Ive never tipped on takeout unless they offered me a water/soda while I waited or something.
US biased, but I’m a little curious about other countries as well.
Please, people: continue tipping for non-takeout service!
I generally agree with you and personally think that tipping culture in the US is out-of-control and needs reform. Restaurants should pay their employees a living wage, regardless of whether or not the customer gives them extra... But until they do, workers still rely on you to survive. So please don't stiff them in an attempt to make a point!
EDIT: Downvote all you want, but can anyone actually defend not tipping workers who rely on it at a sit-down restaurant in the US?
This is untrue. If they earn less than minimum after tips the business has to make it up. The first $5 an hour essentially go in the pocket of the owner.
You're still the asshole though, because even though you don't tip, others will, and in that hour they will exceed the $7 min wage. So, their employer will be out nothing, and didn't make a dime off of your table.
Huh, seemed like they only one benefiting is you. Calling out the system doesn't justify you being selfish.
And don't give me the "well, at least they made minimum wage." Fuck that. Minimum wage wouldn't even pay for the meal you just ate.
Don't want to tip? Either get take out, or accept that you're an asshole and nobody wants you sitting at their table.
Never said anything about whether I tip. Just that there is no such thing as earning below minimum wage legally. The same argument about minimum wage stands for any employee like a cashier, burger flipper etc.
You should probably go see someone about your anger issues.