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Hey, maybe poor people don't deserve to starve?

If finds this, please tell my starving children that I love them.


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  • There's a difference between espoused values and practical plans. Conservatives want strong government, draconian punishment to keep people in line, limited social safety nets, and traditional gender roles and family structure. All of this is built on regressive outlook and results from reactionary outlook.

    • That is what current „conservative“ politicians in certain countries do. What I‘m saying is that we‘re only hurting ourselves if we hate each other. Instead we must agree on things and keep each other honest imo.

      One reason why conservatives turn to right wing nutjobs is because someone (populists) promises them answers they can understand. The evidently more educated side instead looks down on them. Its obvious from the derogatory language some people use.

      I‘m saying we wont make this world better by killing each other. The enemy is in control of the media and tries to cut off education (paywall it, dilute it) so we‘re easier to manipulate.

      • The working class is indeed divided against itself knowingly by Capitalists in power.

        • …which in turn keeps them in power.

          Logical solution = undivide and take back said power.

          • Correct, which is why the left needs to win over right wingers and convince the right to become left, as the right stands in support of this power structure.

            • …which will happen right after the sun explodes.

              Instead, we could not accept political ideology and instead start cooperating and understanding based on things we can agree on.

              If people agreed that the majority of profit produced by labor should benefit labor its not important what other political ideologies they have.

              If the majority started striking until profit goes back to those producing it, this all would be over in a month.

              But if they wear a shirt each, dividing them into their political camp, they wont cooperate.

              Can you see how this is a tool to keep us from taking our fair share?

              • I understand that your heart is in the right place, but this is woefully naive.

                1. Convincing someone right wing to come to the left is to convince the right wing that the majority of profit should benefit labor. If the right believed that they deserved the products of their labor, they would be left.

                2. Shaking hands with racists, sexists, homophobes, bigots, transphobes, etc. Is regressive and puts minority groups in danger.

                The right does not see that they are victims of Capitalists. The left, does. Thus, the left need to bring the right to the left.

                • People have called me naive since I was very young, often getting enraged when I turned out to be right, which was often the case.

                  Agreeing on small things is what breaks the dams. You dont need to believe me, just try to live healthier, be more productive, etc. It doesnt work like that. Small changes lead to the big outcomes.

                  You might be shaking hands with child molesters, murderers and other scum in every group you’re in. That argument is defeatist. You‘d need to scan every person for every detail so you dont have to worry about their ideology being the wrong one.

                  I‘d say its your opinions that are a little short sighted tbh.

                  • Buddy, right-wing is defined by supporting Capitalism, along with upholding racial, gender, and sexuality hierarchies.

                    The only way the right would work with the left to liberate themselves from Capitalism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, is if the right became left.

                    You aren't making a profound statement, everyone agrees that the Proletariat should work together. However, in order to do so, the right must learn and become left.

                    • Its the third time you‘re saying the same stuff. I suppose we must agree to disagree here. You go educate the cat to become a dog. I‘ll teach them to behave different. Good luck. :)

                      • People aren't born right wing, that's absurd. You're pretending that supporting Capitalism is genetic.

                        You aren't teaching people how to behave differently, if you're trying to convince the right that they deserve the value of their own labor, then you're convincing them to be left! There's no such thing as an anticapitalist right winger.

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