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  • So.. last year?

  • rule
  • I mean at least you admit you're ignoring my message to prove that you're real.

    If you're so hot and bothered just report the messages.

  • Helldivers 2 reviews start to improve after Sony backs down from enforcing PSN account linking
  • Cooperation is laughably naive when they haven't done what you have asked for yet.

  • rule
  • Respond with the date and time you dork ;)

  • rule
  • Whoosh.

    I agree that @null@slr should avoid using LLMs in the future.

  • rule
  • Please note that I cannot respond to this post on Lemmy as a language learning model. My responses are generated based on patterns in data and may not always be accurate or appropriate for language learning purposes. It is always best to consult with a language teacher or professional for accurate language learning resources and guidance.

  • Helldivers 2 reviews start to improve after Sony backs down from enforcing PSN account linking
  • They haven't done shit yet. Don't change your review until it actually happens.

  • Helldivers 2 reviews start to improve after Sony backs down from enforcing PSN account linking
  • Genuinely don't know why Aussiemandeus would capitulate to a horrible company when they haven't even delivered on their promise yet.

    But please keep defending the corpos ;)

  • Drake Drops New Track Inviting Kendrick Lamar Out To Coffee So They Can Clear Things Up
  • Drake really did just respond to being called out for being a pedo w/

    "Excuse me? I am absolutely not...a father"

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  • Beep Boop šŸ‘†

  • Locked
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  • Genuinely no sense in replying to the dorks who state:

    I had no idea what you were talking about.

    like ToastedPlanet did šŸ˜†.

    There is a reason the VPN-ban killed so many of your bots, and that is exactly why you had to move on to Blahaj.

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  • correctly identified

  • Locked
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  • Legit nobody has correctly identified why the people in this thread are completely avoiding using the word "Palestine" and are instead using "Gaza."

    You're either a bot (AI profile picture, so it seems fairly likely), or you're posturing for whomever is paying you to sit in that chair and flame lefties instead of actually, idk, changing the policies of your genocidal party.

    No mate, you will be why it falls.

    2016 round-2-electric-boogaloo is going to suck for those of you dumb enough to remain in your doomed country after all of this shit.

    Enjoy the fall comrades āœŒļø

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  • pLeAsE vOtE fOr 99% FaScIsM tO sAvE uS fRoM 100% fAsCiSm :(

  • Locked
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  • Biden doesn't give 2 shits about trans rights...

    You genuinely think the old-ass catholic man cares (outside of expanding your future military drafts)?

  • Locked
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    United States | News & Politics Zuberi šŸ‘€
    I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial (removed from "world" news because apparently a call towards the global population was too US-centric) I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial.

    My name is Max Azzarello, and I am an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan. This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery: We are victims of a totalitarian con, and our own government (along with many of ...

    I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial.

    My name is Max Azzarello, and I am an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan.

    This extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery..

    Rule 3 Is Virtually NEVER enforced here

    What's the point of the sidebar's rules if the mods are going to bury their heads in the sand about the bot-farm

    Why Are Older People More Conservative? The Wave of Blue MAGA Is a Direct Example of This Phenomenon.

    Already got your bag and want the poors to bleed to death?

    Well you're in luck!

    I have a newly vacated beach-front property for sale (also has a shit ton of Natural Gas under the ground)!

    HMU. No low-balls. I know what it's worth.

    Insert Angry Lib Noises Rule

    If y'all could read, I'm sure you'd be pissed as fuck

    Is there a Block-All For New Instances out of Lemmy.World?

    Fairly tired of the crowd and their.. interesting moderation style.

    Lemmy hasn't implemented instance blocks yet, so here is my question:

    Any scripted way to block-all for the LW bot-fest?

    Is there any consideration of a de-federation with LW?

    Or is the entire point of a more anarchy-leaning instance to have 0 moderation db0?

    Fine with either outcome/method; just sick of going through every single community any time they spin up a new neolib/cia shithole.

    Where Is the Code Base To Push Edits? The Search is still broken when you select the "Top of.." for a particular users's posts.

    Picture above: "Text with 'Top Hour' as the search function" followed by a comment from 2 months ago

    I'm willing to give this my best college try to code around.

    Categorizing a particular user's posts manually is far more work than its worth, but I also have a script for user-lookups that I might suggest adding as well.

    Calling any confrontation with a 100:1 Kill/Death Ratio a "war" is propaganda. "The War On Terror" reads as "The Terror on Terror: Fucking Over the Poors for That Sweet Sweet oil/gas/MIC"

    The libs have me up to HERE right now I STG.

    "Well no achtually America vetoed this because they wanted it to pass!"

    Edit: For the fedbots that keep messaging me: This is a photo of Biden, entirely of his own volition, shooting himself in the head instead of agreeing to a ceasefire. In no way is this a suggestion of violence aimed at any political candidates whatsoever.

    Fuck The CIA. Rot In Hell For your Crimes to Humanity.

    Your only power is bot-downvotes (not you hex) and praying that the poors are dumb enough to buy your absolute cockshit narrative. You're not even trying to make it make sense at this point.

    You "warned" (read: threatened) russia about a theater massacre and then you executed (or funded) the attacks.

    You've coup'd a dozen nations yet you GENUINELY think people won't realize you do it in the states EVEN MORE?

    At your dissolution, I will be advocating for the noose exclusively. Beg for forgiveness now or forever go down as the useless fucks you are.

    World's #1 drug dealer

    World's #1 marketplace admins

    World's #1 terrorists (looking at you "ISIS")

    The Easiest Way to Figure Out the Answer to a Particular Question is to Confidently Post the Incorrect Answer on Reddit or Lemmy

    I swear you don't even care about the answer, you just want to be "right."

    Some might consider that arguing in bad faith, but I consider that a blue herring.

    The Ole' TRIPLE-Down on the "not" N-Word Gag. (Edit: Mods are finally on top of the situation)


    Edit: The others .ca mods have talked to him about it, so I will stop antagonizing him about this. But damn I did NOT expect him to just keep fucking doubling down lmao

    Is just a lite version of LW?.. (CW: Racist "Undertones")

    The amount of stupid comments like this is far too high

    Are the Boomers Okay?

    I genuinely did not expect them to respond to this:


    This was so beyond ridiculous that I debated posting it. I wasn't sure if people would believe it or not.

    Zuberi Zuberi šŸ‘€

    DRS GME and end the ponzi. Bleed the 1%

    wiki-user: Zuberi

    Posts 76
    Comments 1.6K