I'm going to buy a House!
I'm going to buy a House!
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I'm going to buy a House!
Credit: Pervis (@PervisTime) - Twitter
Nitter link: https://nitter.cz/PervisTime/status/1700928952670245321
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Just saying that despite the memes it's completely possible for a normal dude to buy themselves a home. I believed the meme until I tried. The more people I get to try buying a house, the more people get to buy a house, making their lives better and landlords lives worse which is a great win-win in my books.
Why fall into despair when there are things you can do to help your situation is what I'd ask you, knowing full well you didn't answer the question I laid.
The problem is that you're being extremely naive and ignorant of the rapidly worsening material conditions the majority of people in the west are experiencing. Your suggestion that "there must be something you can do to improve things, why are you whining?" comes across as tone deaf and dismissive.
People are struggling to keep their bills paid, and most are doing everything they possibly can to try and improve their situation, yet are still failing to keep their heads above water. It's like someone is screaming "Help!! Help!! I'm drowning!!" and you're screaming back "I'm swimming just fine, isn't there something you can do to stay afloat? Why are you panicking?"
“there must be something you can do to improve things, why are you whining?”
If the "why are you whining" part is how it came across that's on me. I meant it more like, "there are always possibilities to improve upon your situation and that is always a better option than falling into hopeless despair which merely keeps you misery". And no I don't mean just get a fifth job lmaoo, but literally anything that's reasonable and realistic.
Nipping off anything off your budget so you can get 20 bucks saved a month is a better option than giving up on the dream of owning a house.
Unionizing for a better pay to get 20 bucks saved a month is perhaps a bit more provocative option but an extremely healthy one at that.
You get the jist. Like I said to the other fella in this comment tree, I've been reading into credit rating system during this convo and yeah I start to understand where the high emotions come from.
That $20 a month you're saving up dries up really quick when you get sick or hurt and have medical bills that can lead to debt. Most people in America can barley survive month to month, there is no saving. Not to mention saving $20 a month would take you 500 years to afford a cheap 120k house. You sound like someone who has never faced actual financial hardship beyond "I should eat out a little less".
there are always possibilities to improve upon your situation
This is the fundamental thing you're not getting: sometimes there's just not.
"Just save 20 bucks a months and you'll afford a house."
Are you serious?
Lowest prices I've seen for houses in Finland sits at about €200k.
Let's cut that in half. €100k.
20 bucks a month nets you €240 bucks.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're a lying piece of shit but, hey, maybe you knew a guy and bought some shit tier shack for that much.
Who knows, all I know is your math doesn't add up.
Lowest prices I’ve seen for houses in Finland sits at about €200k.
Please look more before spreading misinformation.
Who knows, all I know is your math doesn’t add up.
For sure, since I literally said that by saving 20 bucks a month for a year anyone can buy a house lmao. I wonder what giving up on your dreams have ever done for you? I know exactly what it's done for your landlord though
Ok, then why don't you go ahead and provide us with some numbers buddy?
I'll wait, and I will be verifying.
After less than a minute of search found this for less than 7k. Fully renovated, walking distance from the town center. Saving up money at 20€/mo for just 3 years gets you 10% deposit for this one.
And as a plus, if you translate that page you'll notice how it's being marketed towards investors. Fuck them.
I'll help you move after you've "verified" whatever that means.
Edit: it literally is IN the town centre
I rescind my earlier statement. You aren't lying, but you're missing a key point of reference.
This is no where near the average plot size in the United States. Average plot size in California, for example, is 8,327 square feet. Priced the same way, at €315 per square meter(alongside translating from square feet to square meters, 773) , you end up with a whopping €244,197.xx.
I'm sure there are lower price points, but you should see what I'm saying. Not to mention, it isn't nearly as easy as you say to just "move to Finland". It's not like I speak Finnish, and who's to say how I'd make my money?
I mean, shit, in a few months here in California I could buy a house in Finland. It would not be anywhere close to the house I'm currently paying mortgage on, not in size or value, but I'd absolutely be able to swing €6.5k.
All in all, I get what you're saying. The reasons above are why you're getting such vitriolic responses. I'm sorry for being a part of them.
Thank you for the good comment!
This is no where near the average plot size in the United States.
I wasn't aware this was a goalpost, I thought we were just looking at houses to live in and there definitely are houses below the claimed 200k which is quite an outrageous figure.
I’m sure there are lower price points, but you should see what I’m saying.
Well yes and no. I'm not fighting the statistical fact that the prices of houses have increased dramatically, and that it has affected mostly young people. I'm just saying that with a few concessions its is perfectly viable to find a home. Not perhaps as lavish as your parents had during their time, but still. I've linked a couple cheap shits in this thread from around the US that I just quickly found by googling "real estate + first state to come to mind".
as you say to just “move to Finland”.
That was an attempt at humor, I wasn't expecting you to move here. Tho you totally could as long as your profession isn't strictly customer service. Afaik most IT-offices run on english anyway.
I’m sorry for being a part of them.
No worries mate it's all good! Hope all the best for you!
You just said you don't know the US housing market or what a credit score is but you feel confident in saying people can just buy themselves a home.
Also the more people that buy houses the less supply there is, which means there's more demand, so house prices go up even more.
Yes, people can just fix it. And depressed people should just be happy. And sick people should just eat healthy and work out. You are beyond naive.
Still waiting :)
On what?
You just said you don’t know the US housing market
Sources on this claim. Or, do you not find it hilarious that you base your opinions on stuff you literally made up? Like actual headcanon
So when you want information you have to pull up your big boy pants and ask for it.
Well 2 really jump out and illustrate my point, lets see, you said:
I doubt that’s the case in all of the US, there must be places with more modest prices.
There must? I mean you just admit in that sentence that you don't know but you doubt (based on nothing), then go right off into an assumption and using that assumption ad justification.
Imma be honest, I’m not from the US so I have only a superficial knowledge of what a credit score is
So you're not from the US, which means you lack knowledge by just not knowing the laws, culture, systems, etc. But you then go on to say you only have a superficial knowledge of what a credit score is, a VERY large part of buying a house.
You don't know fundamentals of how buying a house in the US works but you feel confident in telling people that you're really helping them out by saying "Buy don't rent" like it's some huge revelation.
There must? I mean you just admit in that sentence that you don’t know, then go right off into an assumption and using that assumption ad justification.
Ah shit sorry I didn't know there weren't
So you’re not from the US, which means you lack knowledge by just not knowing the laws, culture, systems, etc
As you very well know, there is no such thing as reading. I know nothing of the things I've actually not seen myself.
Bro I know you're a kid but please
Ah shit sorry I didn’t know there weren’t
OMG, guys, he found a single house. The housing crisis is over, someone alert the press. This single house destroys the entire market shift that is happening right now, we need to alert real estate companies. What an idiot. The fact you think this proves your point just shows how naive you are lol.
Pro tip, maybe read the things you send. Like the fact that the property is an online-only foreclosure sale? You know what that means right? Who am I kidding, of course you don't lol.
Bro I know you’re a kid but please
I think grandpa needs to go back to bed. I'm a kid? Based on what? I've told you I own a house and I'm in my mid 30s... You really weren't kidding when you said you know nothing.
OMG, guys, he found a single house.
Googled "real estate ohio" and that was the literal first option of the first page that popped up. Really had to dig deep for that gem. Think that's the only cheap house in the country though.
Aaaah just fucking with ya here's another googling with arkansas
I’m in my mid 30s…
In all honesty, no one with a matured frontal lobe is that emotional, actually spazzing out to strangers online. I literally do not believe you to be an adult.
Googled “real estate ohio” and that was the literal first option of the first page that popped up. Really had to dig deep for that gem. Think that’s the only cheap house in the country though.
Really love how you glossed over the fact that you linked an online-only foreclosure house to prove your point of affordable housing. Hey when you can't dispute the facts, ignore them.
In all honesty, no one with a matured frontal lobe is that emotional, actually spazzing out to strangers online. I literally do not believe you to be an adult.
I mean coming from the guy saying people should be able to afford houses without even knowing what a credit score is, that means nothing. Talking about purchasing a home without knowing what a credit score is, well that's literally how children talk about buying a home. Also the fact that you don't seem to understand what a foreclosed house is and why it's not "an affordable house" also makes me think you're a child. Adults know and understand these things, and you will too one day.
online-only foreclosure house
Ah sorry I forgot the money paid for them is actually 10-fold. Lmao, keep grasping straws for as long as you need bud
that means nothing
Seems to mean everything to you. I mean, you LOVE misery. Otherwise you would've closed this tab like a day ago. It's actually and legitimately sad to see young people getting addicted to rage. No matter the irrefutable points I bring forth, you must not make your Lords life any harder. You will go to hell for them as long as it means you don't have to take control of your life or admit that there are things you can do to improve your life.
You just said you don’t know the US housing market
In this comment you state you've read my every comment, yet I missed this one, care to point it out for me? Throughout the convo I was looking for dope houses on the market, many of which were totally in the range of around 150k. That one guy bought a big lot for less than 50k.
Anyway you sent like 100 comments over the night, mostly with points I've already addressed so I'm not gonna reply to most of them. I am perplexed about the perceived hostility towards me, surely your landlord is happy knowing full well their walking-talking rainy day fund is out there defending them and making sure the situation never changes. Buying into this doomer-propaganda is exactly what lets your Lord to live a happy and fulfilling life. Make no attempt to change it.
But in all seriousness, I know how nice it is to crawl into misery and feel defensive when someone tries to nudge you out. I've never felt THAT defensive but despair is very addictive. I'm just saying that if there are things to do to improve you life and reach your goals, you are probably better off doing them rather than sperging out on randoms online.
You're being a cheerleader at the edge of rapids butthurt because your chant of "be aggressive" isn't actually helping the drowning people feel better.
a cheerleader at the edge of rapids butthurt
This reference flew right over me mate. Also, I never intended anyone to "feel" better, but to do better. A concerning amount of pro-landlord hysteria out here to be quenched, how people perceive it is really not my prerogative.
Being anti-"I literally can't afford a home" isn't being pro landlord you fucking idiot.
Being "I'd much rather pay my dear Lord more money in exchange for doing literally nothing to improve my situation" is exactly what the Lord you love so much wants you to do.
Why you seem to be mad at me who's at least trying to help you out, instead of the leech that sucks the money out of you is something only pro-landlords will understand apparently.
You aren't trying to help.
I understand you aren't trying to hurt, but you aren't being useful in a discussion about traditional Western housing options.
Even though admittedly the credit rating system sounds ass, I really can't fathom anyone who's down for saving just a bit not getting a loan for, say this 22k 1301sqft house in bumfuck ohio. Like if you can't then you are the outlier.
You absolute bell end. Read what people are saying. No one wants to pay a land lord, everyone wants to own a house. They literally can't. All your "try hard" chanting doesn't make it any not possible.
You're not trying to help out anyone. You're the guy telling the person who's depressed due to chemical imbalance to "just try being happy" then you get confused when they tell you it doesn't work like that and insist it does.
You’re the guy telling the person who’s depressed due to chemical imbalance to “just try being happy”
Next time I want to say something, I should just ask what visions you've been having lmao. Like literally your every comment is about a comment you think I made, yet I never made one. Actually delusional
I can see how someone who lacks reading comprehension and basic understanding of the topic they're speaking on may think other people are delusional. You're in a world you don't understand and lack the comprehension to grasp it, I get that, so I'll help you by spoon-feeding it.
You said:
Why you seem to be mad at me who’s at least trying to help you out, instead of the leech that sucks the money out of you is something only pro-landlords will understand apparently.
Are you trying to help people out? Really? Kinda like you telling a depressed person to "just be happy" would be helping out? What help do you think you're providing actually? Telling people that owning a house is better because you're not throwing away rent money? Everyone knows that it's not a choice they want to make, it's simply the only option they have.
Kinda like you telling a depressed person to “just be happy” would be helping out?
I still don't know where you got this one from mate.
Telling people that owning a house is better because you’re not throwing away rent money?
Everyone knows that it’s not a choice they want to make, it’s simply the only option they have.
Sure, the defenses seen here in this thread truly reflect upon that lack of options. I'm sure no one will forcefully drag you out of your comfort zone, as that might actually improve your life. And that's scary. But earlier you said you were 16yo, so I'll give you a few years to grow up and perhaps something I've said stuck in your mind and helps you to become a better person, instead of this excuse blabbering coward.
knowing full well you didn’t answer the question I laid.
They never answer the question you asked them, instead they just yell at you, telling you how bad you are for asking the question.
Why wont you improve your life is a question that makes me bad?
No, implying it's a choice they just decided not to make does.
No, them for not answering that question that you asked.
That would be because the question is as ridiculous as asking a blind person why they don't just open their eyes so they can see.
That would be because the question is as ridiculous as asking a blind person why they don’t just open their eyes so they can see.
Just because you may judge it is ridiculous doesn't mean it actually is ridiculous.
If you're having an intellectually honest conversation with someone, and they ask you a question to make their point, you really are supposed to answer it and not avoid answering it.
By avoiding answering the question you basically signal that you can't answer the question for whatever reason, not that it's not worth answering, and that your side of the argument is weak.
You can't have an intellectually honest conversation if there is a bad actor. Intellectual conversations of any kind are predicated on at least two parties doing the mental work necessary to understand the other side, rather than arguing simply for a feeling of being right.
The moment a question like that is posed, it's no longer an intellectual conversation, it's one person put in the position of teaching something basic to someone who doesn't want to learn. No adult owes that to anyone, unless they are being paid to do it.
The moment a question like that is posed, it’s no longer an intellectual conversation, it’s one person put in the position of teaching something basic to someone who doesn’t want to learn.
That's one hell of an assumption / straw man you have there.
I would challenge you to consider that you might be incorrect about that, to consider not doing that classification if it's just questions you don't like, or more importantly, don't have an answer to.
It's not a good look to assume that someone doesn't have an answer, just because they don't find it worthwhile to teach you basic thinking skills.
Still doesn't negate my point.
You can throw insults around like a fighter jet shooting out chaff to avoid a missile strike, but that doesn't change anything.