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  • They’re so dense. My conservative uncle gave me a bunch of shit for taking out student loans. He worked at McDonald’s over the summers and paid his rent and tuition for the whole year! Meanwhile I was working full time year round going to school, barely making enough to pay rent without enough leftover to make a dent in tuition. Obviously that world doesn’t exist anymore. This was over 10 years ago, I’m sure it’s way worse now. At least I was able to find “affordable” rent.

  • Image Transcription:

    A four-panel comic called Pervis by Zach M. Stafford.

    The first panel shows a young man in a brown button-down shirt and orange tie standing in a street with a house in the background. The young man is saying "I'm going to buy a house!"

    The second panel shows a much older man, now bald but still wearing the brown shirt and orange tie, speaking to a man in a green button-down shirt and green tie. The elderly man is saying "...and that was how I bought a house when I was 23!"

    The third panel shows a close-up of the older man's face, he looks agitated, his eyes scrunched up and his mouth open wide as he yells "I worked at the drive-in all summer for that house!! Nobody wants to work anymore!"

    The fourth panel shows the elderly man and the green-shirted man again, this time both are facing away from the viewer and the green-shirted man is holding the end of an electrical plug that he's just pulled from the wall. The older man is saying "...why are you unplugging my lamp?" To which the green-shirted man responds, "I'm just practicing"

    [I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]